Chapter 56: Hermione

Start from the beginning

How could that be true? She was in a bed. She was never safe when she was in a bed.

Her thoughts are cut off by arms sliding underneath her body. The arms lift her up, and she can't even find the strength to stop her head from falling to the side like dead weight.

"Grab Th... his healing kit. In the front right pocket there are two vials. Pull them out." The arms drop her onto a solid surface.

A floor. I am on the floor. The floor is safe. The floor is the safest place I can be...

Something soft is placed under her head, and warmth surrounds her and is tucked up to her neck.

And there are no hands touching her anymore.

Maybe she passed out for all of it. Maybe they drugged her not to remember any of it.

Either way she doesn't care, as long as it is over. The only thing she cares about is getting her mind to stop. To have whatever they gave her, quit making her brain so full and yet empty at the same time. Because it is too much. It is all too much.

A vial is pressed to her lips. And fluid enters her mouth.


She does.

Another vial.

Another liquid.


She does.

"Can I please stay on the floor?" Hermione can already feel her mind becoming less and quieter with the comfort of being on a safer surface.

"Yes, yes Granger. No more beds for you. I am so sorry I left. I had to go. I had to get Red's cloak and Th... Her vitals are going down already. Fucking idiots. I bet they didn't listen..."

"Why is this area still flashing?"

"That's her mind. We have to tell them to keep her off of mattresses..."

"Do you think Theo is out of the procedu..."

"I don't know Red, but we can't get in there even with the invisibility cloak..."

The words they are speaking make no sense to her. She wants them to get whatever was about to happen over with. Because if they are sticking around and talking, they were more than likely not done with her yet.

"Please, you can do whatever you want, just please knock me out. It... It hurts too much already."

The voices around her stop, and don't speak again for a few moments. She flexes her muscles in preparation to feel hands on her again, taking all over again.

"Did she just ask for you... Does she think..."

"This has happened before. When we first found her. She, she just needs time." The male voice doesn't sound confident. Whatever he is saying, she can hear the doubt as his voice cracks and becomes breathy.

She thinks she knows that voice. Even in the middle of the ringing, she can feel her body react in a different way than she expects to one of her monsters.

Maybe he isn't a mon......


"How are you feeling today Miss?"

Hermione legs are moving to keep up with the person gently pulling her forward.

Her steps are unsure. Her muscles and bones ache with the ringing pain in her head that increases if she opens her eyes.

She knows someone just asked her something. She heard the words, but doesn't have the room amidst all the pain and discomfort. All of her energy is being used to force herself to take another breath within the ache. Not put together a response.

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