{ chapter 23 } Jaxx from ???

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another art oWo, made on scratch. it doesnt have enough tools for more details

                                                                                 - Jaxx's pov -

I wish Nick didn't suspect me, for once I actually love someone. The person is my best friend Darryl. I will do anything for him, and I mean anything. I just want my lover to be happy, not sad or mad. Even if he hangs out with people that like him, I wouldn't kill them as long as he tells me whats going on! But it doesn't matter, because we're now dating, although it seems like he has another yandere after him. This is gonna be tricky...

                                                                                      - 7w7 -

J: "Bye babe!"

I close the door behind me. This isn't good! By the look in that skeppy guy's eyes, he plans to kill me. There's no turning back... He's one of the higher killers. He lost almost all his sanity, but when..?

This makes no sense, but it doesn't matter. I have to kill him. Time to plan.

                                                                             - Y/N's pov -

( yes, someone kept asking me to put a y/n. not saying who, but someone did. not in comments though, in dms )

I'm just walking to the store till I see a man with red hair, being the idot I am I go to the man.

Y/N: "Hello sir!"

J: "Oh hello there."

Y/N: "Would you like to get a cup of coffee? I'm just wanting some friends not romance."

J: "That sounds lovely!"

Y/N: "Let's go then..?"

J: "Sure, just let me tell my boy friend."

Y/N: "Okay! That's amazing that you stand by your sexuality. I'm too shy to go out and be who I want to be..."

J: "It's okay, some of us are scared of the truth. But deep inside we're all unlike."

I was inspired. Now I had to have him as a friend! He was brave, not scared. He inbraced the fear and turned it into pride. Amazing isn't it? Some of us can't do that, for we fear other's opinions. The pubic can be cruel. 

                                                                                  - *^>///<^ -

Y/N: "I enjoyed our time together, but I must get going."

J: "Alright? Ah, the time. Well I must get going too! Ta ta."

Y/N: "Ta ta!"

( me in my british arc rn :> lol im a mut, but people say i sound british )

                                                                 - Badboyhalo/Darryl's pov -

I was waiting for my muffin head, I may be shorter than him but that doesn't mean anything. I turned on the TV to watch Nexflix until I heard the door open. I jumped out of the couch and ended up falling on the floor, but quickly got up. 

B/D: "Babe~!"

J: "Hey there love."

B/D: "I want cuddles, and something else..!"

J: "Is it the thing we did last night..?"

B/D: "M-Maybe..."

I felt like a bad muffin head, but it felt so.. so good! I never had someone touch me there but yet it felt so good.

J: "Alright."

He chuckled.


B/D: "Oh my goodness, why do you tickle so good?"

I was laughing so hard, my boy friend really knows how to tickle.

Okay so, your all pervs. and i might take a break because my mental health is getting worst. yet severe depression is really hard to keep back, but yet writing helps ease it so idk. plus i just had a dream of killing people in school, but i was william afton killing all the kids when i was a kid myself. its really weird, but hard to explain. so yeah, better safe than sorry

(BEING REWRITTEN) killing is the way to keep him mine~ (yandere skephalo fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin