Part 14

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Athena's POV~

"You said you were going to protect me and y-you lied. You don't want to b-be friends with a ugly fat girl like m-me. B-but don't worry I U-understand if you d-don't want to be my f-friend-" I weep as more tears falling down my face. He shocked me, by what he did next.

He pulled me up and into his chest very tightly but just before then there was a look of anger on his face. "Don't you ever fuckin call yourself fat or ugly sweetheart. You are one of the most beautiful girls I know. I didn't mean to leave you I promise I didn't and I won't I was on a business trip for something important it was on short notice but I just came back today as soon as I got off the plane I came straight here."

I look up at him bitting my lip, he looks down at me then his eyes slowly go down to my lips. To my surprise he let of a soft but yet deep growl. Hehe he sounded like a wolf. Cute. My heart wasn't racing anymore -well it wasn't racing as fast. "Promise?" I grip onto his shirt.

"Promise."I finally released a breath I held on tight felling my muscles deconstruct. This is embarrassing I blush. I had a panic attack for no reason... wow should I just get up and leave? No! That's mean Athena! You can't do that! He takes a strand in-front of my face and pushes it back to the back of my ear.

"Come and let your employees do there job." I shake my head "I-I can't. I-I need to h-help around here." "Are we are going to do this the hard or easy way you pick sweetheart." I turn away and face the other direction pouting and crossing my arms telling him I am not leaving. "Ok you decided." He gripped my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I squeal. "S-stop, I'm way too heavy to be held!"

He stops moving "What ya say sweetheart?." He said in a rather daring voice. I shut my mouth not wanting him to get angry at me."N-nothing." I mumble "That's what I thought." He continued walking out of the back door exit but not before grabbing my own stuff like my purse and phone.

He walked to the passengers side of his car and placed me on the seat before clipping the seat belt. He closes my door and I see him walk around to the drivers seat. He gets in and drives off.

"S-so where are we going?" I ask out of were curiosity while swing my legs on the big seat.

He hummed in a thinking way "Donno, where you wanna go sweetheart?" I hum. "How about going to get ice cream?" It was kinda warm out today. He nodded "Alright." I look down and see I had sweats and a big shirt on.. I feel comfy but I don't think this is good clothes to go out with.

"But before we go can we go to my house real quick? I need to change." He turned to face me then looked down then back up to my face "You look good as you are now." I blush "N-No! Just please." I cover my face.

I hear him chuckle but comply. We soon got to my home soon I jump out of his massive car. "Hurry so we can go get ice cream!" I squeal at him when I see him walking to slow. He chuckles at my excitements "I think I should be telling ya that sweetheart." I giggle.

We soon get to my apartment and I run in to my bed room. I open my closet and look at my choices. I remember Grave having on white pants and a black shirt that had those loose buttons at the top... he looked so handsome showing off his neck tattoos and giving a glimpse of his chest tattoos. I myself had one tattoo not that anyone knew I guess you could say it was a secret.

It was also quiet a big tattoos, I got it when I first was... finally set free. I was so numb at that point I needed to feel something so I got a tattoo to feel the needle pierce through my skin, every prick every cut though I felt nothing, like when you have something cold on your skin for a long time then you touch the part that was cold and feel nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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