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Athena POV~ ~3 days later~

I walk into the brand new coffee shop. It looked modern, the smell of coffee invaded my all my senses, making me feel very calm and relaxed.

The waiter walks up to me, "Hello, would you like a table?"

I start to feel anxious but try my best to suck it up. "Y-yes please.." I say quietly hoping they could hear me. "Just for one?"

"Yes." I say a bit louder, so now it sounded like a whisper than a squeak. "Alright this way ma'am."

One I get seated the waiter hands me a menu of all the different coffees. "You can look through the menu, I'll be back. But if you need anything, anything at all, like a suggestion. I'll be over as quickly as possible. Sorry for the wait. We have been really busy."

"It's alright." I responded softly. Soon the waiter walks off to help other customers. I look around and see quite alot of people. I mean, it is a new shop. That's why I came to check it out.

After ordering my coffee I take my book from my bag and start to read it. "Hello? Are you that girl from the flower shop?" Asked a deep sexy voice from behind me.

I slowly turn around and see the tattooed greek god from the other day. "H-hi yeah it's me."

" I knew you looked familiar." I slowly nod having nothing to say but yet astonished he remembered me. Then it hits me "oh! Did y-your mom like the flowers?"

"Yeah she loved them. She even said she would go and get more of your flowers."

I breath out and smile lightly. "I-I'm glad! You guys are welcome a-anytime and remember it's on the house."

He just nods, a silent moment goes by "Do you mind if I sit with you? I mean there really isn't any tables left?"

I look around and find all the tables occupied. I give a quick small smile "No I.. I don't mind." I began to play with my sleeves a bad habit I have because I always end up messing up the ends of the sleeves.

He nods and gets another chair from the table next to us who had a middle aged woman reading god knows what. "So, Did you just get here too?"

I shyly nod. "Yeah- I-I just got here."

A few moments later the waiter comes back "H-"she looks at the tables confused for a few seconds and then nods in understanding. She polity smiles "Hi, would you like to order?"

I flash a small smile before putting my head low. "Um- can I get a Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino Blended Beverage.-" I look over at the mystery man who looks at me with.... Awe?

He looks at the waiter, confidence oozing out of him "Get me a plain black coffee, no sugar." Then he turns back to me.

I wonder how people are that confident, is he a narcissist?

The woman starts to get nervous "A-alright I'll be back with your drinks." Then she zooms away. Wow. Is he that intimidating? I mean I see it but like...

"Miss!-" I blink a couple times and give him an apologetic look. "Oh I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to blank for a second. Sorry, I really didn't m-"

"It's alright. You don't have to apologize." He says rather calmly. "Ah s-" I cover my mouth to stop what I was going to say making him chuckle. Sweat baby Jesus. That was the sexist chuckle I have every heard.

"May I know your name miss?"

I think for a moment then blush, I blush a lot and it's so annoying but I can't stop myself from not doing it. "My names is Athena, and y-you are?"

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