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"Athena! Can you help me please!" Rose my best friend and employee yells.

I quickly set the flowerpot that I was panting down and ran to help her. "W-what happened?!" I quietly ask.

"One of the big flowerpots cracked and now the soil is all on the floor." She puts both her hands against the crack.

I go back inside and get another big pot, speed running to her side. "Don't release your hand yet." I tell her softly.

I get a shovel and get the baby palm tree, placing it carefully into the new flowerpot. "Y-you can release your hand now." I huff out.

And so she does. "Thanks boss your a life saver. I'll get to cleaning the mess now!"

I shy nod and see her take steps towards the little shop.

While she goes to get the cleaning supplies I get the bag of soil and add more of it into the new pot. "Sorry for stressing you out baby palm tree. We'll be more careful next time." I whisper to it while patting the soil in, adding water after.

Jazzy a old woman who has been working for me many years walks outside looking at the spilled soil. "There you are Jazzy! Athena was talking to the plants again. I was getting kinda freaked out." Rose says playfully making me blush a deep red color.

Jazzy burst out laughing "Aw honey you're so cute." she pats my head. "You youngsters remind me of the old days. You know one time-" there she goes again telling us storys about herself when she was young at the end of her storys she always ends up in someones bed. Granny was quite the "freak" as she calls herself. I don't really understand that word but both Jazzy and Rose won't explain to me what that means saying I'm too "innocent".

"We get it Jazzy! You got your grove on!" Rose says annoyed.

"Oh no honey! I didn't just get my grove on I made there wildest dreams come true! With this wet ass pu-" I tilt my head to the side confused on what she was going to say.

"Ew! Eww! Eww! I don't want to hear eww!" Rose drops what she does and places both her hands on her ears, runs inside not wanting to hear anymore.

I softly chuckle at her sudden action, finding it funny."That girl, she a handful i'll tell you that." Jazzy picks the broom up finishing Rose's work.

"Yeah I-I guess so." I say shyly trying to cover my still blushing face. She looks at me almost mesmerized "We have known each other for 5 years and you still act so shy. You honestly amuse me you know that."

"S-sorry." I say looking everywhere besides her. "Aww hun, I didn't mean it like that. I mean as in your cuteness and shyness is so precious. Don't ever lose that, be you. No matter what anyone says."

I give her a small smile. "O-ok."

Just then a customer comes up to us but his attention mostly settled on me. "Hello there! I was wondering how much that palm tree is?" His gaze moving from me to the baby tree that we had rescued moments ago.

"Ah- oh. Um s-since it's a Trachycarpus fortunei and i-it's 7 feet tall it c-cost 150 Dollars." I play with my fingers looking at the tree.

"Hum." The person thinks for a moment. "Ok i'll buy it." I smile, another plant goes home. "A-Alright, please follow me." I turn to Rose who was still inside but not to far away for her not to hear me "C-Can you pack up the Trachycarpus fortunei tree. It's going to a home." She looks my way and smiles nodding.

After the costumer pays, it gets loaded up in the costumers truck. I look at the time 7:50. It's almost closing time. We tidy up place before turn the sign to close instead of open. "Ok girls. Times up l-lets go home." I say hoping they could hear my voice.

"Lets get the fuck out of here!" Rose puts her arm on top of my head using it as an arm rest. I really didn't like it when people do that. I'm not an arm rest. "P-Please don't that. " I gently get her arm off me.

"Sorry your just so tiny you're like a perfect arm rest." I pout. That's not nice.

"She's not tiny! How tall are you hun!" Jazzy comes up from behind us.

I scratch the back of my neck my eyes averting from there's to the streets. "5'3"

They both narrow their eyes at me. "Athena I'm no Mathmatologist but according to my calculations you're lying. I'm 5'6 you would have been closer to me but you're a midget."

I blush as they catch me red handed. "5'0"

They narrow their eyes more. I turn my face away from them as I pout. "Fine. I-I'm 4'11." I stomp out the store as they laugh their butts off. It's not my fault! I can't control my height!

One of these days if they keep it up I'll bite their ankles off. Mark my words. I hate my genetics.

They walk out the little plant shop. I lock the door behind them then face them. "I-I'll see you guys t-tomorrow."

"Alright stay safe! Make sure you have your pepper spray on you!" Rose yells heading towards the parking lot to get into her car.

I nod "ok I-I will."

I wave to Jazzy as the three of us split into different directions.

I walk the scary dark streets, trying to be as cautious of my surroundings as I possibly could. I really should save up for a car. Most of my money goes to buying more plants and tools or just daily essentials. Leaving me with only a few dollars.

My shop wasn't very popular per say, none the less I was greatful for the people who did come. But I won't lie there were some days where I did make good money for example mothers day and Valentine's day.

By then all the flowers would have been all sold out. You see my love for nature has always been big. Though I think of it more as a hobby than anything else. What I really want to do is write books.

I put on my headphones and listen to the song home by cavetown.

I'm a bookworm and I will gladly admit it, romance, horror, science fiction, action, Fantasy, you name it I want to do it all. It would be my dream.

I love books like harry potter by J.K rowling, Bullied to love by Amal A Usman, The Butterfly garden by Dot Hutchison, and so many more they all inspire me.

But I know that i'll never be like them it's like one in a billion, and what are the chances I get to have such skills such.. Amazing ability. I sigh, next to nothing.

I won't give up though. Life can kick me upside down push me left and right but I won't give up. I'll go to college when I get my life together.

And I'll show the world my capacity, cause at the end of the day. I do this for me. No one is benefiting form anything I do expect me, I learned that long time ago.

Work your butt off you get rewarded, lay on your butt and you'll end up sitting beside the street begging for money. I won't sit still, waiting for a opportunity to pass by me, I'll run to get the opportunity even if it takes me a thousand years. That's not who I am or what I stand for.

I look up and see my little apartment Building. Good looks like I'm home.

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