Part 13

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Athena's POV-

So it's been 2 weeks since I've last seen of Grave, That meanie hasn't called or anything. But maybe he's busy with work? I'll cut him some slack for that. Ever since that day I said I wasn't busy and we spent the whole day watching 60 days in.


"Why do you like this show again?" He asked as if there was no point to this show. "Watching what happens to stupid people who get caught for shit, live in a prison all bunched up together?" He laughs at his own "joke". "Actually yes, people who gang bang, people who well you know sell no no snow and other illegal substances. In Alabama there is a lot of Hispanics people and not so many woods which is honesty shocking. But with there only being Hispanics, most are in the Mexican mafia, or the Latin kings." I say casually, like it's no big deal.

The room goes quite only the sound of the tv playing, I turn to look at him and see him with wide eyes. "Sweetheart, I honestly couldn't have guessed you would have known what gang banging even is..". I giggle "I love this kind of stuff, but I keep that on the low since rose says it "doesn't suit my character " what ever that mean. " I roll my eyes just thinking about it.

He nods and looks back at the screen. I hear him mumble something but can't understand, but I just decided to leave it be.

End of flashback-

D-did I scare him off? Did he think I was a freak? Did I fuck thing up? Why am I always messing up?

That man was right... I am a useless peace of crap that works for nothing. I look around and see things slowing down around me, I quickly but quietly go to the back of the store, feeling the usually yet always scary panic attack come along. I go to the corner of the room and press my hands together against my ears trying to stop myself for hurting myself. I try the tactics I usually use to lesson the feeling of the panic attack. But to no avail, I was too late, and it hit me hard. My vision became dim and dark to the point where it was nearly impossible to see, only the cold darkness consumed me. My ears became plugged up like I was under water only being able to hear my unbearable uneven heavy breaths. My breathing short and unsteady unable to breath, I drop my right hand down to my chest where I feel the drum like heartbeats going at an almost impossible rate.

Frig,I triggered myself again, I basically yell at myself. My body had a mind of its own it seemed, my body was shaking but I couldn't move or stop it. I started crying feeling useless and frustrated, I would gasp for air but it was really hard to do so... "Someone help me please." I whisper. I couldn't focus on anything but suddenly I felt two big hands enter my vision. I feel the big hands then embrace me in an overprotective hug, the way I felt so... protected... safe I had a feeling it was Grave.

"Hey hey sweetheart focuses on ma voice, I'm right here. Listen to ma voice, ya safe in my arms sweetheart I'm here protecting ya." My hands came around his, feeling the embrace I breath in and out while unwanted tears keep rolling down my cheeks, ever so often I would take deep breaths. Trying my best to calm my nerves. Once I was finally ready to speak I shakly said "I'm sorry I made you go though all this trouble... I'm sorry." He turns me around like I was to weight almost nothing.

We were now eye to eye only a few inches away from our lips touching. "Stop it." His hand reached the side of my check and gently strokes my face. "It's all right." He whispers. I suck my lip and attempted to not make any sodding noises, I know I shouldn't trust or get to touchy with anyone I barely know but this man, this man made me feel some type of way. I just wanted to be close to him, I hold him tight. So without a second thought I wrapped my arms around his body. I could tell i did it unexpectedly because he stiffened up for a few seconds before relaxing.

I was on top of him in a curling position while he was in a siting position playing with my hair in attempt to calm me down. " 'S  alright sweetheart what happened?" I dig my face into his chest and shake my head not wanting to tell him why. "D-don't w-wanna!" I squeal.

He pulls me back and looks at me straight in the face "Don't be a brat be a good girl and tell me what happened Athena." He said strictly. I look down and pout playing with the ends of his shirt. "You left me."



Sorry short Chap!!!

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