"Yes, I'm okay. You won't be hurt...at least not seriousally, I can't guarantee I won't during sex."

"I know." Yoongi muttered, rolling his eyes. He knew more than enough about that kind of hurt. "I--you choked Jin?"

"...yeah, it was an accident, I don't even remember lunging at him, I only stopped because my conciouss become clear long enough for me to see him, like really see him. It was fucking — I don't know, it was scary. I couldn't imagine what would've happened if I hadn't come to during the single second."


"And that's why I couldn't come near you at the time, I could've snapped at any moment and just...killed you. I don't know what I would'v done if I hurt you again, especially the way I did Seokjin." Hoseok said, Yoongi stared at him for a while, a little too long,
if Hoseok was being completely honest, he felt that he might have said something wrong, because Yoongi's stare was, unmoving, and blank. Too blank, like he was holding something back, and he was doing a damn good job at it.

And then suddenly, Yoongi was on his lap, kissing him. Hoseok got Deja vu, distinctly remembering that this happened once before at his house not too long ago. Yoongi didn't give him time to really grasp what was happening as he pulled away, hands caressing his cheeks as he stared at him with a need Hoseok has never seen before. "I wanna have sex."

"I can tell."

"But this time, none of that kinky shit. No biting, or edging, or overstimulation. I just want vanilla sex." Yoongi whispered, Hoseok smiled as Yoongi kissed he corner of his mouth. "What?" He whispered back, "Want me to make love to you?" He asked, it was supposed to be joke, but with his hands on Yoongi's back, he could feel the moment he held his breath. And he quickly changed things up before it got awkward. "I mean, without the love part, of course."

"...yeah," Yoongi agreed, he looked At Hoseok and the taller was entranced. "Make love to me, Jung Hoseok." He said, and Hoseok was a simple man.

How could he possibly say no?

"Okay." Was all he muttered as he stood with Yoongi in his lap. "You don't have to worry about almost falling down the stairs this time." Yoongi whispered, Hoseok rolled his eyes and let out a huff. "Yeah, thankfully, after the shit you pulled the other night."

"I was horny."

"Yeah?" Hoseok asked, dropping Yoongi on the bed, the smaller bouncing a bit before he was still. "Well you really cant fuck if you're stuck in the hospital. Hm?" Hoseok asked, tilting his head, Yoongi smiled, "Jin would've healed me." He said, watching as Hoseok took his shirt off.

"Not after he found out how you fell down the stairs. He would've left you in the hospital just so your horny ass can learn a lesson." Hoseok said, he reached for the drawer he knew held the condoms and lube.

"No-" Yoongi said, but paused when Hoseok looked at him. "Uh, I don't....I don't have condoms." He said, panic in his voice...or maybe not panic, just...anxious. "Uh, okay, I still need to get the lube—"

"I'll get it." Yoongi said, which made no sense because Hoseok was already standing there, hand inches away from the drawer. However, Yoongi got his ass up anyways and opened the door and took the lube as Hoseok sat on the bed.

"There." He said, tossing the lube on the bed. Hoseok gave him a quizzical look and Yoongi deliberately ignored it as he closed the drawer. He then took his shirt off and got out of his sweatpants. Hoseok scanned him up and down before he grabbed his wrist and pulled him down on the bed. "You know," Hoseok whispered, placing a kiss on Yoongi's lips before he flipped their positions and laid him on the bed, hovering over him. "The longer we do this," he muttered, kissing Yoongi on his neck, "The more needy you get."

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