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"She has been out for two days..."

"Maybe she'll wake up now. I saw some movements in her earlier."

Yoohyeon heard someone talking, she coughed loudly and opened her heavy eyes slowly, meeting with a cold floor, she saw Minji walking towards her and sitting on the ground, crossing her legs.

When Yoohyeon tried to move her hands, she could freely move it but her wrists were restrained with huge chains on each wrist, her gaze followed the chain, which was attached to the ceiling.

She looked at Minji blankly before looking at Mark, who was sitting on a chair.

"Hi...? Mark." She spoke. "This is my surprise?" She asked looking at Minji.

Mark chuckled loudly with snort in the end.

"Oh, he is laughing. It must be a good surprise then..." The silver haired girl whispered looking at Minji.

"Yes, it's going to blow your mind as i promised you." Minji whispered looking at Yoohyeon with a tiny smile, she got up and walked outside of the room, followed by Mark.


"How is she not scared?" Asked Mark, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I don't know. Maybe, she trusts me." Minji replied, leaning back on the wall.

"Minji..." Mark walked towards Minji, "Are you sure about this...?" He asked, gripping on Minji's upper arm.

"Yes." Minji replied dryly.

"Look Minji, Handong died. It was in the past. I've moved on from it and now i can see that you're happy with Yoohyeon. Let's canc-"

Minji gripped on Mark's wrist tightly, "Forgetting and moving on is in your nature, not mine. Do as i say, don't try to distract me." Minji spoke sternly before going out of the room, slamming the door behind her.


Yoohyeon kept looking all over the room, the room was white, completely white.

She looked at her wrists, she blinked her eyes and her warm tears started streaming down on her skin.

She heard the door opening, seeing Minji in front of her, she smiled a little.

The purple haired girl walked in front of Yoohyeon with a plate in her hand. She leaned down and threw the plate on the floor near Yoohyeon.

"Oh sorry." Minji replied looking at the spilled food and the shattered plate on the floor, she then looked at Yoohyeon, who made an eye contact with her but didn't say anything.

Minji ordered a servant to clean the floor.


The purple haired girl walked towards Yoohyeon and sat in front of her, wrapping her hands around her knees, she stared at Yoohyeon.

"Do you have any last wish? You're going to die." Minji whispered, not showing any emotions.

"Die...? Nice, I'm going to die..." The silver haired girl chuckled before taking a deep breath.

"You don't seem scared." Minji spoke.

"Because, you're with me. Why would I be scared? If I'm going to die by your hands, then that's actually cool, i don't mind it..." Yoohyeon replied with a smile.

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