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[The Next Day]


I was walking towards Yoohyeon's house, I wanted to apologize.

It was morning, it must be 6 am or something.

When I was walking, I saw her bike which was approaching towards me from a distance. There were two more people with her, sitting behind her.

The girl and the guy were wearing masks, except her. She stopped the bike in front of me. Getting up from it, they walked towards me.

Yoohyeon gripped on my upper arm tightly, "You did a mistake by rejecting me." She whispered in a low voice.

"W-What...?" I asked her.

She left my arm, backing away, she raised her hand in the air and slapped me with a lot of force which made me stumble.

My eyes started getting teary, I covered my cheek and looked at her.

"Give it to me!" She said looking behind her.

She took a huge knife from the girl who had blonde hair.

I raised my hands up in defence, "No Yoohyeon!" I pleaded and crawled backwards.

I got up from the ground but the guy blocked my way, he twisted my arm and made me look at Yoohyeon. The girl ran towards me and covered my mouth, I couldn't scream anymore.

My tears weren't stopping.

I wanted Minji and Mark to be here.

Yoohyeon gripped on my hair tightly, "Fuck you." She whispered and inserted the knife inside my abdomen, I could feel my every muscles tearing apart as I screamed loudly, trying to get away from their grip.

A string of blood started streaming down from the corner of my mouth.

My vision was going blurry, she stabbed me the second time and that's when I started feeling the short of air.

My body started falling on ground and I couldn't help but close my eyes.


"Let's go..." Taehyung spoke looking between Siyeon and Yoohyeon. The silver haired girl walked towards Handong's body and kicked her in her abdomen. Handong's body was surrounded by blood. Her skin was ripped apart because of the stabs in her abdomen.

Siyeon walked towards Yoohyeon and gripped on her upper arm, "Enough, we should leave before anyone comes here..." The blonde haired girl whispered quickly.

Taehyung wiped his sweat with his backhand, his throat was getting dry.


They heard a shout from a little far away.

A guy was running towards them. Yoohyeon quickly walked towards her bike Siyeon and Taehyung followed her.

Yoohyeon started the bike and they left the place in a hurry.


Yoohyeon packed a bag of cash and handed it to Siyeon and Taehyung, "Leave this country. I'll handle everything..." Said Yoohyeon.

DEVOTED {G!P} [JIYOO]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin