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Yoohyeon opened her eyes slowly and looked at Jiwoo who was standing near her feet. "What happened to you? You passed out.." Said the black haired woman, she walked towards Yoohyeon, gripping on her upper arm, she made her sit up on the couch. Yoohyeon massaged her temples, Jiwoo passed the glass filled with water to Yoohyeon.

The silver haired girl drank the water and gave the glass to Jiwoo.

Jiwoo gently rubbed Yoohyeon's back, "Are you good?" She asked.
Yoohyeon gave her a nod, "Yeah..."

The silver haired girl got up from the couch and walked towards the chair, situated in front of Irene.

Jiwoo walked outside of the room, "Are you doing good?" Asked the black haired girl looking at Yoohyeon.

"Yes, I'm fine..."

"Alright, do you need some more time to rest or can we start?"

"Sure, we should start..." Yoohyeon replied, clasping her hands on the table she exhaled.

Irene took a notepad in her hand, "How was your day today... except for passing out..." Irene whispered, she started writing on the notepad.

"It was good..." Yoohyeon replied, still not being able to believe the situation she was in right now.

"What is your favourite colour?" Asked Irene making an eye contact with Yoohyeon.

"Seriously? I'm not here to tell you my favourite colour? Aren't you going to tell me how to manage my anger?" Asked the silver haired girl.

"Oh... Look, there's a problem..." Irene whispered. "I'm trying to get to know you, of course I'm going to give you some tasks where you will have to practice and make it a habit of controlling your anger, but for now, let's get to know you..." Irene answered with a smile.

"Okay, i don't have favourite colour, it keeps changing." Said Yoohyeon, folding her arms.

"That's a good thing. Have you ever broken things or have you ever been abusive?"

"Yes, i have broken things. I have abused someone, I slapped her and not only her but once I actually beat my professor to death..." Said Yoohyeon, her lips curved into a smile, as she kept her hands on the table.

Irene kept looking at Yoohyeon with a shocking expression. "Alright, Why did you beat your professor?" Asked Irene.

Yoohyeon chuckled, "I don't want to tell you. It was a secret between my dad and me. He is dead so the secret died with him, Let's say, i am not interested in telling you the information." Said the silver haired girl, she removed her coat and kept it on the chair beside her,"It's hot here." She whispered and clasped her hands together, making an eye contact with Irene.

"Yoohyeon, we are not here to fight. If you cross your limits, these both guys will throw you out of my office." Said Irene pointing her pen towards her both bodyguards standing behind her.

The silver haired girl smiled, "I'm not trying to fight."

"Who did you slap?" Asked the black haired girl.

"My girlfriend."


"She hugged her close friend, so i couldn't control my anger." Said the silver haired girl.

"Do you have any female friends?" Asked Irene.

"Not many, but i do have few."

"Imagine one of your female friend hugs you in front of your girlfriend. Would you like if your girlfriend slaps you for that?" Asked the black haired girl, making an eye contact with Yoohyeon.

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