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[After three days]


"I don't remember that girl's name..." Vernon took a sip of his coffee as he tried to remember Arang's girlfriend's name.

I looked at Sana who was kind of nervous. "Do you know her name?" I asked her.

She shook her head as a no, "I don't know about his girlfriend but there was a new employee in our company, Minji. She resigned very quickly..." she continued her sentence with a pause, "Mr.Kim was a very private person, I think he only shared his private life with his daughter, Yoohyeon..."

Hmm, interesting.

I looked between my team mates, "Let's go and meet Minji." I said and started walking towards the door, followed by my team.


Spencer sat on the chair with a smile, he rested his arms on the table.

Minji and Mark were sitting in front of him. Jimin was sitting beside Minji.

Spencer checked out Mark's swollen face, his left eye was purple and a little sore. 

"So, Kim Minji, how are you?" Asked Spencer with a mocking tone, he scanned Minji's ear which was sore.

"What kind of question is that?" Asked Jimin, making an eye contact with Spencer.

Spencer scoffed, "Who are you? Her friend?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm her close friend." Jimin replied sternly.

"Without wasting any time tell me, how did you kill Arang?" He asked making an eye contact with Minji, knowing nothing about Arang's and Minji's relationship, he decided to go for it, that's how everyone gets treated when it's a murder case.

The purple haired girl raised her head up slowly, her tears started streaming down on her face, "I didn't kill him. I loved him. H-How...could I kill him?" She replied trying to control her emotions.

"What's that mark on your neck? Did someone choke you to death?" Asked Spencer, eyeing the fingerprints on Minji's neck.

Mark was going to answer but Spencer interrupted, "I only want her to talk, thank you." He spoke, raising his hand in the mid-air.

He turned his gaze on Minji.

The purple haired girl wiped her face roughly, "We were robbed when we were coming here, at our place-..."

Spencer interrupted Minji, "You were robbed and you didn't call the police?" He asked.

"Minji was already tired and broken after listening about Arang's death. We didn't wanted any complications." Mark replied.

"Where did you got robbed?" Asked Spencer.

"On the laten's road..." Mark replied.

Spencer hummed, he folded his arms and locked his gaze with Minji. "So, were you sleeping with Arang for physical satisfaction or did you actually loved him?" He asked.

"Whatever your name is, that's an inappropriate question. Leave our house before I call an advocate." Jimin spoke, his gaze burning on Spencer.

"Alright, Mr.Arrogant..!" Spencer sighed and stood up, Minji broke down into tears in front of him, she rested her head on Jimin's shoulder.

Spencer walked towards the door giving one last look to Minji, he left.



DEVOTED {G!P} [JIYOO]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon