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[The next day]

Irene gulped down nervously as she looked around the empty restaurant, she had all her equipments with her, her gaze fell on Yoohyeon who was sitting in front of her.

The silver haired girl removed her shades, "I was bored with your small white room, where you give therapy. So i decided, we should try something different. So, here we are..." Yoohyeon spoke with a smile. She looked behind at her servant who accompanied her, "Bring that bouquet for Irene." She ordered and looked at Irene.

The black haired girl looked down at the table, her forehead started producing cold sweat when she remembered the horrible night, she might not remember the face of the person, but she does remember each and every scar that was left on her.

She slowly looked up at Yoohyeon, her emotions were gathered inside her heart ready to burst into tears. "I don't like w-when I'm forced to do something i don't like... What is this? You basically kidnapped me." Irene's grip became tight on the tissue she was holding.

Her tears started streaming down when she realised that Yoohyeon did force her to come to the restaurant, without asking for her permission.

"Do you not like it? There are no people here and we can do the therapy-"

"Please, what are you even trying to do? Your people forced me to get here. I was scared for my life!" Irene spoke, wiping her skin with the tissue as her tears made her face a mess.


[Irene's POV]

Each and every day i try to live my life carefully, i don't go anywhere and i don't talk to anyone.

After that incident, my friends didn't wanted to be with me anymore.

It was a small thing that Yoohyeon brought me here at an empty restaurant, but that triggered me. I can't control my emotions when someone tries to force something on me.

I didn't wanted to be here.

I put my face into my hands as i try to calm myself down.

It's so embarrassing how there are so many people around me and i can't stop crying.

I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me gently, i slowly opened my eyes to look at Yoohyeon, who was hugging me, leaning down, her head was resting on my upper back. She gently made small circles on my back.

I pulled away from her when i realised what she was doing. She stood up and made an eye contact with me.

I should've stayed in my profession.

She kept her hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry, if you're uncomfortable, we can go to your work place..." She whispered looking down at me.

I just gave her a nod.


Yoohyeon was looking out of the window, already regretting the choices she made in the past and to add up to her sins, she upsetted Irene even more.

Her gaze fell on irene's phone which was kept between them.

Irene received the call and started talking.

Yoohyeon didn't wanted to hear her conversation but they were sitting near each other so it was impossible for her to not hear what Irene was saying.

After Irene's call was done, she kept her phone on the seat.

The silver haired girl couldn't hold her curiosity back after she listened to the whole conversation and how she was telling the other person on the phone to take care of  'him'

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