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[The next day]

Minji walked in the next store, whereas Yoohyeon had all the bags in her hands, she followed Minji wherever she wanted to go.


"Should I take this watch?" Asked Minji looking at Yoohyeon.

"You like it, you take it. Why are you asking me?" Yoohyeon whispered.

"It's expensive."

"Don't worry about the tag, just take it." Yoohyeon whispered with a stern voice.

Minji hummed.


They walked out of the mall, Yoohyeon asked Minji about her birthday surprise, but Minji said it's near which confused Yoohyeon so she didn't stretch the topic much.

Minji received a call so she waited near the bikes. Yoohyeon kept walking towards their car. "Be careful with the bags!" Minji warned Yoohyeon with a yell.

When Yoohyeon was keeping the bags Inside the car, she looked over Minji who was busy in her phone.

After few minutes, A guy on a bike approached Minji, whistling, he gestured Minji to sit on his bike.

The silver haired girl gently kept all the bags inside since most of the things were chosen by Minji and also Minji had warned her.


[Minji's POV]

I have no idea what's wrong with people, i kept myself focused on the call, the guy kept whistling at me and was saying some inappropriate things.

"Lady c'mon, hop on my bike!" He basically yelled, i disconnected the call and made an eye contact with the guy.

I saw Yoohyeon walking towards us through my peripheral view.

"What do you want sir?" She asked looking at the man, once she reached us.

"This lady, right here." He pointed his index finger towards me.

Yoohyeon kicked his bike with a force, which made him fall. I folded my arms. He didn't give up, "You fucker!" He yelled looking at Yoohyeon, getting up from the ground, he paced towards Yoohyeon.

Recieving a kick in his abdomen and a sharp punch in his jawline, he landed on the floor once again.

Yoohyeon gripped on his collars, making him stand up she was about to punch him again, "Yoohyeon it's enough. Let's go." I spoke.

She pushed him with a force and gripped on my wrist, "Sorry, you had to go through that..." She whispered looking at me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder as we walked towards the car.


"All I have is you, and only you." The silver haired girl whispered, nuzzling her face inside Minji's neck's crook. Minji wrapped her arm around Yoohyeon's waist, she inserted her hand beneath Yoohyeon's shirt.

"How are you feeling?" Asked Minji.

"Good... I'm with you so I'm good, like always." Yoohyeon smiled, she kissed Minji's cheek gently before closing her eyes.

"I'm asking you about your health, you weren't feeling good because of the alcohol on your birthday. You don't have to make everything cheesy."

Yoohyeon opened her eyes, "I'm doing good, why are you being rude?" She whispered in a low voice, feeling bad about how Minji spoke.

"I wasn't trying to be rude, sorry if it came out like that..." The purple haired girl whispered placing her face on Yoohyeon's head, she moved her hand on Yoohyeon's abdomen and gave it light scratches.

"Do you want to try something?"

The purple haired girl asked in a whisper.

"Hm, what?"

"It's a juice... My mom taught me how to make it..."

"At this time? It's midnight..." Yoohyeon whispered back.

"Time doesn't matter? Does it?"

"Okay, but we can try it tomorrow, i want to cuddle with you." Said Yoohyeon, sitting up on the bed.

"Please, you have to try it right now.." Minji's lips turned into a pout.

"Alright, go get me the juice."

Minji gave Yoohyeon a tiny smile before going out of the bedroom.


[Yoohyeon's POV]

I kept waiting for her in the bedroom. I don't know what she was taking so long for.

"Babe?! Where are you?!" I yelled.

"I'm coming, Just wait a minute!" I heard her voice yelling back.

Just a minute? It has been like hours since I'm sitting here doing nothing.

I'm not complaining, if she wants me to wait, I'll wait.

I can't wait to be engaged with her.

She's the one for me, i know it. When the right time will come, i will talk to her about our engagement.

There won't be much people at our engagement, which sometimes makes me sad. I wish I had more friends or a family too, like Minji.

Her parents are so warming, i almost got emotional when they took care of me like they take care of her and Mark.

It does makes me sad that my dad isn't here with me anymore.

He was the only one who loved me unconditionally. I took him for granted. Which i do regret sometimes but i don't keep blaming myself for it.

Like Irene has advised me not to dwell on the past, it will affect my present, which is true.

When i start thinking about my past mistakes which weren't actually mistakes, i can barely focus on my present, which is...seeing Minji happy, making her happy.

Seeing her happiness matters to me, for that i have started practicing letting go of my past doings, even if i was a pathetic person.

What matters is, my home is with me, so i don't need any more people in my life.

Minji is my home.

I shook my head slightly shoving away all the thoughts, when I saw her walking towards me with a glass in her hand.

I smiled at her.

She gave me the glass and i looked at it, "This is that juice?" I asked looking at Minji. She gave me a nod.

"Okay." I shrugged.

I took one sip of the juice and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted.

Minji looked at me for the feedback.

I smiled at her, "It's really tasty..." I spoke, quickly chugging on it somehow I took a breath in the end closing my eyes. She took the glass away from me.

My stomach started hurting out of nowhere and i looked at Minji, but my vision was going blurry, slowly.

Minji gripped on my wrist and chuckled, she started kissing me on my lips, but i couldn't focus on what was happening.

I slightly pushed her back. I looked at the floor, the floor was moving.

"Are you okay...?"

I felt Minji's arm and i could here her faint voice.

My eyes were getting heavy, i layed on my bed and closed my eyes completely.


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