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[The next day]

Yoohyeon opened her eyes slowly, wiping her drool with the back of her hand, she looked around. She couldn't see Minji anywhere.

Sitting up on the bed, she yawned. When her phone started ringing, she picked it up from the table and received the call.


"Who's this?"


"Oh...sorry aunt, good morning..."

"Good morning, are you taking the pills regularly?"

"Yeah, i am. I'm going to sound weird but those pills give me an headache, i don't know why..."

"If you don't believe your aunt. You can stop taking them."

", i wasn't doubting you..."

"Okay... Have a goood day ahead."

"You too..."


The silver haired girl disconnected the call, throwing the phone on the bed she walked towards the bathroom.


Wearing her coat Yoohyeon walked out of the room. She looked at the servant working in the kitchen, "Did y'all see Minji?" She asked looking at them.

"Ma'am, she already left..." One of the servant replied.

"Left? Where?" Asked Yoohyeon, she removed her phone and dialled Minji's number.

"To the company..." Servant replied, he brought a plate of noodles, walking towards the dining table, he kept the plate on it.

Minji didn't receive Yoohyeon's call.

Yoohyeon walked outside of the house, without eating anything.

She walked towards her car.


[Taehyung's POV]

I walked towards Yoohyeon's cabin and saw Minji looking for something in the wooden shelf. I entered inside without knocking which flinched her.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I was searching for a file..." She replied, her forehead was sweating badly.

"Take this file... you will have to work on it." I kept a file on the table and locked my gaze with her. She gave me a nod.

I gave her a short nod and left the cabin.


Yoohyeon walked inside her cabin, and saw Minji working. She walked towards Minji, pulling a chair beside her, she sat on it. "Don't you have basic manners?" Asked the silver haired girl looking at Minji.

The purple haired girl looked up at Yoohyeon. "What...?"

"Don't show me your stupid attitude. You left without informing me." Yoohyeon whispered, resting her hands on the table.

"I tried to wake you up but you didn't wake up..." Minji whispered, she averted her gaze towards the file, Yoohyeon gripped on her chin tightly and made her look at her.

"Next time, don't try to leave me without informing me where you're going." Said Yoohyeon, shoving Minji's face aside, she got up from the chair and walked outside of the cabin.

Minji rubbed her chin and smiled slightly, she opened her purse and sighed in relief looking at the pendrive.


DEVOTED {G!P} [JIYOO]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang