Community- (Homage to Hermitcraft)

Comenzar desde el principio

My eyes follow the creeper hybrid and original ice queen as they walk past Stress's glass shop and I see a very excited slime in the distance dragging around a knight. Intrigued I followed Stress and Doc. As I lean of the white concrete of Stress's shop, I watch Jevin and Wels. I can barely make out their words but it appears that Jevin is showing Wels, who only recently returned, around the shopping area. I smile as Jevin begins to drag Wels towards the iron shop but Wels stops him, pulling on the slimes hand so that Jevin spins, tumbling into Wels' out stretched arm. Wels quickly plants a kiss on Jevin's lips and Jevin literally melts, his slime body pooling into a happy mess and Wels stands there, his gloved hands on his hips.

I turn and walk back towards the front of Stress's shop when I hear a bit of bargaining happening in Hypno's diamond shop. I peek my head in to see Hypno trying to sell some extra items to TFC, who was just trying to pick up a cheep mending book. TFC and Hypno seem to be enjoy the light banter so I grin at them. Hypno grinning back when he sees me and TFC waves at me after turning to look at who Hypno was smiling at.

Satisfied with the greetings, I return to my walk but I'm immediately stopped by an excited, "Zedaph!" from above me. I look around before finally seeing Xisuma waving at me from atop the elytra store. I jump and fire a couple rockets, spinning around the shop before attempting to land, I trip and begin falling towards the ground before my elytra reopened and I could fire a rocket to come for another try.

Comfortably standing on the top of Jevin's pixel art elytra, I greet Xisuma. He's running his fingers through the hair of a sleep Keralis who has wrapped his arms around the admin, resting his head on X's lap.

"How are you doing X?" I quickly sit down beside him as I find myself getting a little bit of vertigo from the shifting of the thin shop front.

X waits for me to settle, "I'm doing just fantastic! We haven't had many issues to deal with lately," he then proceeds to pull out a wooden plank and give it a quick knock. I just shake my head at him.

"Hey!" he protests at my attitude, "never too safe."

"You're right," I shrug, "was there a reason you brought me up here?"

"Just wanted to say hi and see how you're doing. You've been quiet lately."

I look down at the ground far below me, "Oh yah, I've been doing good." I look back up at him, "I guess I just haven't had much to say."

"Lonely?" X can apparently read me like a book so I nod once, "don't forget Zed, we are all family so never be afraid to come hang out with any of us."

That little bit of reassurance made me feel better and I stay with X for a moment longer before gliding away. I land in an open space just beside the Spitz where Ren and Bdubs were rolling around, wrestling each other. Both men were covered in dirt and mycelium but they both apparently didn't care. I plopped myself beside Cub who was half watching the wrestling hermits and half focused on some plans for his mega base. He mutters a hello, still focused on his paper.

I enjoy the feel of the soft ground and watch the wrestling and giggling hermits. At one point, Bdubs had thrown Ren over his body so that Bdubs was on top of the dog hybrid. The one on top planted a quick kiss on Ren's lips, forcing a giggle from the hermit on the ground. In a flash, Ren was on top, his tail wagging excitedly as he kisses Bdubs this time.

Bored of sitting, I stand and walk towards the front of the Spitz, a light skip in my step from what X had said. As I round the corner, I freeze in mild shock to see Etho pinning Beef to the wall. Matilda let out a light bray and Etho looks up and waves at me. Beef is clearly very distracted as he aims to pull Etho back to whatever they were doing.

Walking towards the town hall now, I hear more voices coming from the bar Etho an Tango had made. Making my way into the dimly lit area, I see xB and Joe leaning on the bar counter chatting about any and everything. They invite me to join and I grab a chair from the poker table to listen. I'm instantly lost. They're political, philosophical, and poetic speech is mesmerizing but too much for my brain. As xB and Joe begin arguing the use of diamonds in the shopping district I slip away.

Unsurprised, I soon find myself face to face with Grian and Scar. They are sitting in the flower garden of the town hall and chatting about future builds and plans. I go and sit beside them on a small bench. They ask me about my contraptions and I ask about their base plans, the most basic of small talk, and I begin to feel a little uncomfortable with their overly cheery attitude. I bid them a quick farewell as I continue my walk, admiring the new shops, such as Bdubs' rebuilt redstone shop, and the older ones, such as the honey shop.

By this point in the day the sun was nearly completely set, so I set off to the edge of the mooshroom island to watch it. The Grumbot sits just in my peripheral vision as I stand, hugging myself against the quickly cooling air. I feel a hand rest on my arm as Impulse and Tango come up beside me. I smile at them and turn to see rest of the hermits, coming to join me and watch the sunset.

Etho had an arm around Beef while Bdubs and Ren had collapsed to the ground beside them, panting and covering in brown and purple. Scar was leaning on Grian's chest as Cub stood beside them, still occasionally glancing at his papers. X was holding a very tired Keralis as False and Cleo fawned over a diamond on Stress' finger, Doc standing happily beside. TFC, Hypno, xB, and Joe were walking towards us, chatting. Mumbo's face had returned to its normal, slightly pale, tone as Iskall held his hand. Wels was trying to drag Jevin, who had returned to his normal form, towards our group, clearly laughing at the slime.

There're so many things to love about the Hermitcraft server, but as I scan over my friends and our family, I know that my favourite part isn't the builds. It's not the crazy server wide games we play, encouraging each other to kill on another.

It's our friendshipthat makes Hermitcraft so amazing. It's the ability for us to work together tocreate amazing builds and adventures. It's our community.

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