Permanent Kirai and...

Start from the beginning

Sorrel and Sorra go super saiyan four as they get into stances. Jakuna pulls out her sword as she charges forward.

[ a different timeline]

???: *tosses and turns in their bed*

Evil Saiyan: *stabs Sorrel*

Sorrel: *fades out of existence*

???: *grips the sheets*

Evil Saiyan: *slices Sorra*

Sorra: *fades out of existence*

???: *knuckles crack*

Evil Saiyan: *kebabs both androids*

Kohl & Kumara: *fade out of existence*

Evil Saiyan: *kicks...Daiko to the floor.

Daiko: *grunts as he crawls away* Please...Jakuna...

???: *tear rolls down*

Daiko: Why...?

Jakuna: *steps on him as her sword glows purple* Why not? I've killed your parents too. Might as well kill off the legacy. *stabs his back*

???: *symbol appears on head*

Daiko: *reaches out to Daika as his arm drops and fades out of existence*

Jakuna: *puts her sword away* I'm going to let you live with this pain in your head.

Daika (Night): *opens her eyes as she sat up on her bed hyperventilating* Oh... *calms down* It was just a nightmare. *drops her head into her pillow* It's been more than 20 years by a bit. And I've already avenged them...why do I keep having those nightmares?

Daiko (DB): Hello? This is a message.

Daika (Night): Is that...?

Daiko (DB): A great threat is coming to all timelines. Get ready for a battle coming your way. I hope we can get through all of this. *starts to fade*

Daika (Night): Wait! *tries to hug as it was already gone* No... *sighs* I need to move on. *a portal opens* What...? *gets dressed as she steps in and sees Daiko DB*

Daiko (DB): *his eyes were closed*

Daika (Night): Daiko...?

Daiko (DB): Hm? *opens his eyes to see her* Another Daika?

Daika (Night): *hugs him tightly* It really is you.

Daiko (DB): *muffled* H-Hey! Go into the third portal! They need help the most right now!

Daika (Night): What? But...

Daiko (DB): Go now!

Daika (Night): Alright. *steps in*

[Back into Xenoverse]

Jakuna (PKI): You two have actually managed to put up a fight.

Both Sorrel and Sorra pants lightly on the ground as they were covered in blood as Daiko and Daika Xeno were watching helplessly.

Jakuna (PKI): Well, time to die. *raises her sword*

Daiko (Xeno): NOOO!! *goes super saiyan god*
Daika (Xeno): NOOO!! *goes super saiyan god*

Jakuna (PKI): *swings down*

Darka (Night): *kicks the sword dour of her hand as she grabs her wrists and spins a few times before throwing her away*

Jakuna (PKI): ?! *turns as she lands on the ground and sees Daika* What...?

Daika (Night): ...! *looks at Jakuna* You... *powers up*

Jakuna (PKI): Hmm... *summons her sword as she puts it away* unexpected. *opens a portal behind her* I can't fight you just yet. *steps through portal*

Daiko (Xeno): *drops to the floor*
Daika (Xeno): *drops to the floor*

Daika (Night): *powers down as she helps up Sorra and Sorrel*

Sorrel (Xeno): Thanks for saving our... *looks at her outfit* ...

Sorra (Xeno): Lives.

Daika (Night): *hugs them both* Sorrel! Sorra!

Sorrel (Xeno): Oww!
Sorra (Xeno): Oww!

Daika (Night): Huh? *lets go of them* Sorry! Sorry! It's just so great to see you.

Daiko (Xeno): *stands up* She had a same experience as the other me?

Daika (Xeno): Me and Sorra didn't say anything as both you and Sorrel didn't tell us about the timeline with the other you.

Daika (Night): *energy flows through her to both Sorrel and Sorra* Do you feel better now?

Sorrel (Xeno): Yeah...

Sorra (Xeno): Feel like I just got up in the morning.

Kohl (Xeno): Guys? What's going on?

Kumara (Xeno): We saw a woman fighting against you guys and then she came in out of nowhere.

Daika (Night): Kohl! Kumara! *runs to both of them*

Kohl (Xeno): Uh oh...
Kumara (Xeno): Uh oh...

Daika (Night): *hugs them both tightly as she lifted them* It's you!

Kohl (Xeno): Someone explain?!
Kumara Xeno): Someone explain?!

Daiko (Xeno): How do we explain it when we don't know what's going on?

Daika (Xeno): We...don't?

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