17: Jungkook (18+)

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We are putting up a big act today. Once during every season, the racers have a party in a club. It's tonight, and the things we should do to appear as a couple are outrageous. I know we will put limits to our actions, but it will still go beyond what we have done so far. I can't say I'm not excited about it. I don't even know if the only person that's supposed to believe we are a couple will be there, yet it's obvious, a silent agreement, that we are being an out loud couple. 

I hate putting ideas in my head, but I am starting to have troubles believing Yeeun doesn't like it. Why else would she turn back and kiss me after the practice date? No one was around, not even her neighbors. She had no reasons to roll with my 'just for practice' agenda, yet she did.

"Taehyung's here?" she asks, as we move through the club, my arm low around her waist. I am so used to the feeling of it, not doing it anymore will require a rehab.

The music isn't too loud, yet, but there's a big crowd dancing.

"I don't know, yet," I say. "Probably. He's denying having any problem. Just acts like it really was an accident."

"Sooner or later something will snap." We stop at the bar, and she waves at the young guy running behind it. "Let's not talk about it now. Let's have fun. It's been a while since we came to a party."

"Last time we came to a party, we got wasted and performed Kesha's songs for everyone to dance to."

"And they loved it. Doesn't hurt to repeat this one."

"There is no way you're getting wasted tonight," I say. Yeeun is an honest type of drunk, and what if she tells somebody we are not actually together? Worse, what if she tell Taehyung we are just pretending?


"Stay conscious, please. And able to make clever decisions."

"You got this, boyfie." She grins, sending me a flying kiss. She knows what she's doing to me, right? And that all I want is to push her against this counter and kiss her until I'm about to actually faint, right?

The barman gives us four shots of vodka to share. We both have high alcohol tolerance, which has always been useful, because we like to drink at those parties, especially together. I need to stay close to a sober territory. If I got wasted around Yeeun, who knows how many confessions I would make tonight? This is not happening, not after I promised I would tame my feelings and did the exact opposite.

The show begins the moment we spot Taehyung in the crowd. Even though I don't really think he's as cruel as he's tried to make himself look like, for as long as he is pretending to be alright, I am worried about Yeeun even more than I was before. His extreme defense mechanisms around me may or may not result in him trying to get to Yeeun to prove his point.

And since forewarned is forearmed, we should keep the relationship going.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable with anything tonight, okay?" I mumble into her ear, holding her close to make it look like my lips are on her neck. How much I want to put them there and how hot my skin is when her hands rest on my chest is a piece of information for me only.

"Yeah, I will." She slides her fingers higher, then down my arms, and my grip on her waist tightens.


"One more shot and dance."

I chuckle and pull back. When my eyes briefly meet Taehyung's over her shoulder, I only wave at him. Whether I am right or not, I push any thoughts about him out of my mind for now, take anothr show and let Yeeun drag me to the middle of the crowd.

Just for tonight, I let myself completely believe it's real. I let myself forget we are faking it, and act like this is our reality – one where she is mine, I am hers, and there is nothing on our way to just be fucking happy together.

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