7: Taehyung

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I hate coincidences, and I hate them even more when I arrive at the empty, unused road at the same time as a black Porsche. That's some bad fucking luck when both Jungkook and Yeeun leave the car. All I wanted was a peaceful night of taking my car for a few training rounds, but all I get are reasons to be more riled up. Like having my mother and father tell me to 'get lost if I don't bring them money by the end of the week' didn't do enough damage.

"Oh, would you look at that." Jungkook smiles in the most sickening way - he loves making my life a nightmare - and pulls Yeeun behind him when I look at her. It's so easy to piss him off, I know all the tactics and I have my favorites. I didn't even do it on purpose, and he is already on his toes.

The way he feels entitled to her is revolting. He is acting like he put dibs on her, and I am not allowed to even remember that someone like Jang Yeeun exists. She is not his property, and I can still take his place. One day, whether he wants it or not.

"Who's making whose life difficult now?" I put the same smirk on my face, but doing it gets on my nerves. Being me has been so fucking annoying recently, I can barely stand being awake.

When I look at Yeeun at his side, it's uncontrolled again. But my fists clench on my sides when he steps in front of her, rubbing it in my face. I have what you don't have. I am better.

"I told you something," he says, voice lower and darker.

"You said to stay away. Not to look away."

"Same fucking thing. If you have some decency left, you know you don't bother someone taken. Let alone with my girlfriend."

I know she is his girlfriend. I fucking know. "I got the fucking memo, thank you." To push his buttons a bit more, I radd, "You two don't look too much like a couple, though."

He scoffs, mockingly. "We won't be fucking in your backseat to prove it, you know?"

I roll my eyes, ignoring the fire burning behind my ribs. I change the topic to avoid talking more about it. "What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like? I'm racing. You?"

"Checking the car." I point my chin to the right, in the direction of the road. "Wanna go for a practice race? Not counted into the season."

He furrows his eyebrows. "For what?"

"For nothing. Satisfaction of kicking your ass."

"No, thanks. I'll pass."

I let out a dramatic sigh. I know exactly what to say to get him to agree. "I knew it."

He tenses. "Knew what?"

"You put an act when people are around." Leaning forward, I hold his chin to keep him looking at me, his jaw clenching under my fingers. With a pout and a scornful smile, I say, "It's okay if you're scared, Jungkookie. You can go home now. This is not a thing for kids."

He pushes my hand, and grinds out, "Get in the car now. We're racing."

I scoff, hands in my pockets as I let my smile widen and strut to my car. "You're so easy, Jeon Jungkook. You'd suck my dick to prove your point."

"Shut the fuck up and get in the car."

"Yes, I'm trying. Calm down."

When he fumes because of me is when I find the most satisfaction. With even a little bit of it comes something that resembles confidence. When I have the upper hand against him, I can stand myself.


This was supposed to mean nothing, but seeing him win even an out-of-nowhere practice race makes me fucking furious. No words leave my lips when I get out of my car. If I say anything, the buzz under my skin may come out as a trembling, broken sentence. He can't hear it.

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