26. Cute date

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Fridays. The last work/school day of the week. Though they should be good days, they always seem to drag. The thought that as soon as that last bell goes, the weekend starts seems to make the day go by even slower. A day to make school last longer and the weekend further away.

How do you get rid of these depressing Friday thoughts? Go for a coffee date with your boyfriend in Port Angeles and blast music through the radio, singing to your heart's content. So that's exactly what the couple did. They spent the remainder of the day together after school.

They drove to Port Angeles where they went out for tea. Then they got some drinks from Starbucks and walked through a small park area back towards the car. And finally, to finish off their date, listen and sing along to music.

When Elizabeth moved, her life had drastically changed and was still changing. From her parents deaths, to moving into a new town and a new school, to getting her first (proper) boyfriend who also happened to shift into a large wolf when angry. But, despite all that's happened, she found happiness with the pack and her relatives and couldn't help but smile at the thought, knowing her dad would be proud she found someone who would quite literally do anything for his little girl.

Paul on the other hand, couldn't care less what his father thought. He hadn't even mentioned her name to him, he doesn't deserve to know, he thought and, quite frankly, he was right. After all his father has done, and still does, Paul wasn't going to give his father an opportunity to take the happiness she brought him away. For the first time in a long time, he felt happy. Not angry, well not around Lizzie, and certainly not sad around her. He was quite sure it was impossible to look into her emerald green eyes and feel sadness, or at least he hoped so.

Once Paul dropped off Lizzie, being sure to give her a goodbye kiss first of course, he drove down to Emily's to see the pack and see if there was anything he could do other than go back to his house where he would be waiting.

As soon as he stepped in, he saw most of his pack brothers sat around the table talking, obviously already devoured all the food. There were a few exceptions: Jared and Sam, who were on patrol, and Leah, who was currently on her way over to Lizzie's house to hang out.

He took a seat, contributing to the conversation here and there to give off the idea he was even remotely interested in what they were talking about. The only thing on his mind at that moment was Lizzie, but there's nothing new there, and Sam, who he desperately wanted to talk to. He knew if Sam said there was nothing he could do as others were already picked to patrol, he still didn't have to go home and could instead stay at Emily's a little longer but 1, he didn't know how long he could take of the younger wolves high school gossip and 2, he knew that the pack would soon filter out the house and leave as they were fed and tired. He could also do without the concerned glances and looks he gets from his alpha. He hadn't let anything slip had he? No. He was careful.


When I entered the house I greeted Emily with kisses, the usual, and saw Jared take a seat, sulking at Paul for not saving him any food, I almost laughed at how childi- Paul? What's Paul doing here again. He already did a late patrol last night and an early one this morning. I worry about Paul for this exact reason. He seems to be avoiding his house. I know he's not got the best relationship with his father, to what extent, I don't know, but I know they're not close and argue often. As the alpha, it's in my blood to be observing of both my imprint, my pack and my pack's imprints. I've been taking extra noice of Paul recently, noticing: he never says 'home' just 'house', he keeps himself busy (not in the term of school, he's quite crap in that area though he does try). He goes out with Elizabeth when she's not busy, always takes over or asks for extra patrol shifts, hangs around Emily's or even just walks around. Sometimes, when on patrol, I will literally find him walking to his house at the pace of a snail. It's like he will do anything to avoid going home and it worries me not only as his alpha, but as his friend.

"Paul. A word?" I motion my head towards the door and he nods, standing almost immediately obviously not interested in the conversation he had been 'listening' to. Once we were outside, I started to walk, closely followed by Paul, wanting to get out of hearing reach of the other wolves for this 'talk'. I hope this would be a talk anyway, it would be much harder to get an answer if he gets mad or offended and starts yelling especially seeing as even my alpha command doesn't seem to be able to calm him.

Once we were safely out of hearing reach, he surprised me by speaking first, "what's up Sam?"

"What? A guy can't go for a walk in the woods with his friend?" I smirk, keeping conversation light to start.

"Not unless your gonna murder me," he retorts back in a playful tone, "what's this really about?" He says, his tone more serious this time.

"I'm worried about you Paul." I say, simply, in as calm a voice I can.

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