And get up

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(IMPORTANT!!! - READ THIS FIRST THEN CHAPTER: Nobody Learns. I've tried SO much to try fix the order of these two chapters but it will not work. PLEASE read this first. I'm so sorry for the disruption, I promise it will not happen again.) 

😭 Enjoy the story x


Harsh chocked breaths left Yoongi's mouth with every trudge he took. His hands, stuffed deep into his pants pockets, were almost drenched with sweat, making him feel utterly uncomfortable, which only added to his anxiety.

His mind clouded with memories of the past. Thoughts he had locked away long ago and forced into the deepest depths of his mind, all easily made its way just before his eyes. Distorted voices of men and women echoed constantly around him, drumming thunderously against his ear drums. He could barely hear the loud beeping of a car as he carelessly stumbled to cross the street.

Yoongi was immediately yoinked back by a stranger, who muttered a sincere, "Please be careful, young man," before continuing on with their night.

In his trauma filled daze, Yoongi again carelessly stepped into the stretch again to cross the road. He was lucky enough that there were no cars as he did so.

He did not know how he made it without dying, but Yoongi finally managed to bring himself home safely. He stood leaning tiredly against the wall, mind still a mess, hyperventilating. His hands fumbled in his back pockets in search of his keys. Due to the shakiness of his hands, Yoongi's fingers could not grasp the metal properly. It instead toyed with him as it shifted from side to side in his back pocket, angering him.

Yoongi furiously pulled his hand out of his pocket, letting out a harsh, frustrated sigh simultaneously. He slid down the wall, exhausted, and sat on the floor.

It must have been more of a grunt than a sigh, as a few seconds later, his apartment door opened.

Yoongi stayed still, deciding he was too tired to move his head. He didn't want to encounter Namjoon anyway. Seeing the hybrid would only push him further into his frenzy.

Yoongi let out a softer sigh when he heard light footsteps travel towards him. He closed his eyes and rested his head back onto the wall.

Please go back in side, Joo-

"Hyung?" A soft voice called, "Are you okay?" Pure and angelic. So gentle and captivating that for a moment, the voices screaming down Yoongi's ears quietened. He finally turned his head. Dark brown eyes latching onto a slightly light pair before trailing up to see a pair of cat ears. One cream and one brown. He smiled lightly at the sight. His smile only deepened when the hybrid began to smile.

The hybrid's eyes turned cresent, almost disappearing, and his tail flicked rhythmically behind him. Jimin sat down next to Yoongi. He leaned his head on the human's shoulder and stared ahead of him to the opposing wall. Yoongi copied.

It was a peaceful silence between the two for a little while. Yoongi reminded himself to enjoy it whilst it lasted.

"You didn't answer my question." Jimin referred.

Yoongi hummed, "I don't know how to answer your question." He answers truthfully. He felt Jimin's tail lightly hit his own thigh as it flickered in worry.

It was silent again - to give Jimin some time in assesing whether to ask his next question.

"Did something happen at work?"

"You have your father's eyes."

Yoongi froze at the memory. His pupils dialted for a second as he quickly flickered his eyes left and right across the apartment corridor to make sure him and Jimin were safe. Now that he was thinking about it, the two of them would be a lot safer inside the house.

Without much thought, he stood up, taking Jimin's soft hands in his own and guiding the two of them into the apartment. He quickly closed and locked the door behind them before discarding his shoes next to Jimin, who was removing his house slippers.

Yoongi walked further into the apartment. He noted how the television was on standby and a collection of DVDs sat neatly on the floor next to the couch. Namjoon was nowhere to be seen, Yoongi assumed he was asleep in his room before a scary thought plagued his mind. Did they open the curtains? Immediately, he moved to scan every curtain in the house and made sure they had not been messed with since he's closed them. Jimin followed behind him cautiously. He has never seen Yoongi act this way before. It was completely out of character and was slightly terrifying.

Yoongi stopped outside Namjoon's room after seeing the wolf hybrid knocked out on his beard with his arms spread like a star fish. Yoongi seemed to have regained consciousness in that moment. He turned away from the door only to come face to face with a worry-ridden hybrid.

Jimin stared up at him with huge anxious eyes. Yoongi could see all the questions written on Jimin's face without having to ask. He only now noticed how chaotic he was behaving, possibly scaring the half feline. The slight tremble of Jimin's lips had Yoongi cursing at himself. The longer he stared at the (possibly) younger male, the more the memories of his father played in his mind, the more guilty he felt. It was exhausting.

A dull pain poked at his chest as the two continued to stare at each other before Jimin once again spoke up.

He touched his ears and spoke softly, "They're really soft and fluffy." He referred to his ears, "Sometimes I play with them to calm me down...Do you want to play with them?"

Yoongi's face turned a pink hue at the question. Jimin's thoughtfulness overwhelmed him, so much so that it completely flushed away all the negative things he was previously feeling for a brief moment.

Yoongi smiled and softly nodded his head. "That would be nice."

This time, Jimin took Yoongi's sweaty hands into his own. Yoongi wrinkled his nose at the feeling and instantly felt bad that Jimin's perfect hands were touching his.

The two entered Yoongi's room - the room he hadn't spent a week in. It was just the way Yoongi had left it. The only difference is a small pile of clothes sitting on his desk chair that definitely belonged to Jimin.

Jimin let go of Yoongi's hand, both to their dismay, to travel over to their shared closet and take out sleepwear for the human. He handed it to Yoongi, "Shower first."

To which Yoongi followed his instructions without hassle.

Twenty minutes and a lot of blushing later. Jimin had convinced Yoongi to share the bed with him so that Yoongi could pet his ears. Yoongi laid ontop of the sheets with Jimin on his chests, there legs tangled, as he stroked Jimin's hair and played with his ears, enjoying the gentle purrs Jimin let out as he lulled to sleep.

And for the first time since the day started, Yoongi was completely at peace.

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