I Lost Another Fight

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"This way, Mr Min."

The harsh click clack of fancy dress shoes sounded on the marble floor and bounced off the walls of the huge work building. The cold sound sent shivers down the spines of on lookers and his glaring gaze pierced the souls of anyone stupid enough to make eye contact with the man.

Mr Min was to not be messed with.

The secretary guided Mr Min to a large oakwood door. She stood there with her hands clasped in front of her, staring downwards at the floor. She's heard enough of the rumours to know Mr Min was like royalty. And it was forbidden to look a royal in the eyes. It was also forbidden to leave before being told.

Which is why Mr Min basked in the delight of the timid female waiting anxiously for her dismissal. The longer she stayed under the harsh gaze of Mr Min, the more her shaking became evident.

Mr Min smirked at the sight. He was a well-known sadist after all. A truly sick man. He enjoyed his superiority and further enjoyed seeing the effects of said superiority. There was never a time where someone stood against him. Many of those who have tried, ultimately met the same fate.

However, there was one person to have defied the man.

But he was long forgotten.

Mr Min had disowned him a while ago. His disobedience against him does not count.

"Leave." He muttered under his smirk.

The woman stilled for a moment. Mr Min's cold and assertive voice swarmed her mind and caused a minor delay in her receptors sending signals to her motor neurones. Effectively causing her to not move the moment the word left his lips.

Once it finally registered, the secretary quickly shuffled away, not daring to look back for her own safety.

Mr Min's smirk deepened. The fear of others only feuled his ego. He loved it.

Mr Min opened the doors with pride. The men and women on the other side instantly stopped their quiet chatter to instead focus their attention on the presence of Mr Min.

His ego was going through the roof.

His mere presence was the reason for their cease in chatter.

Oh how much Mr Min loved himself.


With eyes still on him, for they were stupid enough to stare at him, Mr Min walked with solidity towards the head of the table. He sat with assertiveness, straightening his blazer and fixing its cuffs. He slightly positioned his wrists so that his rolexes were proudly on display.

If they were going to look, might as well make them jealous.


It was silent all around the room. The other men and women paitently, and obediently, waiting for Mr Min's clearance. Despite this not being his company, he was still seen as bigger than their boss, so must be respected like a king. His smirk deepened at that knowledge.


"I hear you have a law you want me to see. Is that so, Hiro?" He asked, leaning back into his chair as if it were his throne.

The people around the table all noded in unison.

Hiro quickly passed documents out to each member at the table. Mr Min beamed at being served first despite being the furthest away from Hiro. It only showed how important they regarded him as.

He fucking loved it.

"It's a bill for hybrids." Hiro spoke. He subtly gleamed at the sparkle in Mr Min's eyes once he saw that his words had peeked the man's interests.

"Go on." Mr Min probed, opening the document and reading it.

Hiro cleared his throat, "Well, the public hates them. And so do we! They are bound to start taking over jobs and begging for equal treatment. I-I mean their animals for christ sake! We can't have that." He slammed his fist against the table to finalise his point.

The people around the table cleared and clapped at his words, despite the hypocrisy. They were the same people who hired scientists to perform such heinous acts on humans that was a result of the hybrids existence.

The audacity.

Hiro continued once the cheering died down, "This law states that hybrids will no longer be seen as humans, therefore have no human rights."

More cheers erupted. If Mr Min was not so reserved, he would have been yelling the loudest. Instead he let his smirk widen, loving the law already.

His mind instantly filled with thousands of things he would do to hybrids.

Sex slaves.

Science experiments.

Mass murder.


The fun he would have was utterly sickening. And everyone in the room agreed with it. Countless of other rich people around the globe agreed with them.

Mr Min chuckled. The light and airy sound made the yelling stop once again.

"I have a list of all the hybrids in South Korea and where they are currently harboured." Hiro stated after the room fell quiet once again, "The plan is to capture half of them then pass the law. This was we can make the first half seem so dangerous, that the law would seem justifiable and we can capture the remaining hybrids without issue."

Mr Min nodded his head, slowly raising his hands to clap. A few milliseconds after, the room filled with the sounds of clapping and hollering.

Hiro was being praised for an immoral and unethical idea. Yet no one dared to object to it.

"The last signature needed is yours, Mr Min." Hiro smirked.

Mr Min stood up. The room once again falling silent as they anticipated his next move. The man traveled across the room to Hiro, gesturing for him to also stand up. And once he did, Mr Min stuck his hand out for Hiro to shake, which the man quickly did.

No one has ever came close to touching Mr Min before. He's never once shaken hands with anyone.

This was an honour.

Shaking hands with someone's who's palm is stained with blood. That was definitely an honour.

"I can't wait." Mr Min spoke.

And yet again, another round of yells erupted within the room.

Like a bunch of moths attracted to the light. Mindless and stupid, following their desires instead of listening to their rationale.

A room full of pigs that dictated the world.

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