They Fall Down

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It was all too familiar.

The soft whirring of machinery.

The mumbling between strangers dressed in white.

The metal clasped against her wrist, sustaining her down to the cold iron table. It sent a comforting sting on her bare thighs, despite it being anything but comfort.

It was the warm arms of Satan once again. Holding her delicately as he swindled his blade in her back. It hurt all over; burned her insides out. Despite this, the devil's warm embrace seemed to soothe her pain. The juxtaposition ultimately left her numb.

She groaned at the flood of white entering her peripheral as she opened her eyes. She shut them once again.

The strangers that were once conversing between themselves hastily rushed over at the sound of her agony. They watched over her as she basked underneath the ceiling lights. Sinister smiles spread across their wrinkled faces as she continued to squirm beneath their gazes.

It was all too familiar.

She cried out; gargled. She could feel her own blood at the base of her throat. The metallic taste soon pouring from her lips, flowing prettily across her dainty face and pooling on the table she laid on. She choked in it.

The strangers (who were becoming awfully familiar, too) continued to stare as if Van Gogh was being resurrected before them. The sight was too...beautiful. One couldn't stop himself from dipping his fingers into her blood before taking his hand to run along her feline ears. The red blood quickly overtook the white fur. His actions earned a thrash of her tail, smacking him square in the face.

If it wasn't for her worry over her own blood killing her, she would have smirked at her actions.

She pulled at her restrained wrists in another attempt at freeing herself from the position she was in. She could feel the food she had eaten only a few hours ago, begin to regurgitate.

The other strangers snickered. They moved away from the table - one heading over to some sort of control panel. And before she knew it, the head of the table began to rise forward so her body sat up.

She instantly threw up the remaining of her blood as she shuddered at the touch of it touching her pale skin and fluffy white tail. Tears pooled at the bottom of her eyes when she finally registered where she was.

Needles of all sorts were poked into her body. Wire's connected from her brain and pulse points were hooked up to machines she's only ever seen in her nightmares. The cold gaze of scientists stared at her, holding various amounts of needles with different chemicals in them.

"N-no..." She choked. Her food came up without warning. It spilt down her chest to her lap, staining the beautiful blue dress she had just bought.

She couldn't care about it, though. Not when her past was standing right in front of her. Not when she was reliving her nightmares.

"Call Mr Min. Our first patient has woken from trials."

Mr Min.

That name shot an arrow straight to her heart. Her body jolted without thought as she tried with her might to pull herself out of the cuffs that kept her prisoner. She bawled like her life depended on it, which it ultimately did. It was a thoughtless reaction. His name was so engraved into her head that she made sure her body could react fast enough without her second guessing herself. But the chains had her bound down. She couldn't do much but squirm and scream.

Snot had soon joined the mix with her blood, food, and tears. It was poignat and caused a burning itch in the back of her throat. She desperately continued to pull her hands from the cuffs, but her efforts were proven useless time and time again.

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