Birds Don't Just Fly

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One week later.

It had been a weird week in Seoul. The sun no longer shone to its fullest, and the cool summer nights turned into thunderous darkness.

The nights were no longer quiet with the only exception of the inaudible hustle and bustle of the streets. Instead, they were replaced by whispering authorities' voices and sharp cries that were quickly silenced.

Anyone who heard would often question if their minds were playing tricks on them.

Their minds were not.

But by the time the sun rose and the rain skies calmed down, those thoughts no longer mattered. Those voices were no longer crying or shouting. Out of sight, out of mind.

In this time, Jimin had become quite comfortable with Yoongi and Namjoon. He smiles and eats more than he used to. Despite his wolf instincts going off, Namjoon remained civil with Jimin and seemed to create a brotherly bond with him.

As with Yoongi and Jimin's relationship, it has gotten a lot more bashful on Jimin's end. Or so what Yoongi has observed. Since the day in the store, Jimin has been more touchy with Yoongi. He'd often curl next to him on the couch or wrap his tail around Yoongi's pale wrists. He'd blush anytime the latter would smile at him. His smile always made Yoongi reciprocate. It was just so precious, pure, kind. How could anyone not smile at such an angelic kitten?

Yoongi may have found an answer to that question when he awoke that morning.

Sat behind the counter at 19:58 at the convenience store, Yoongi sneezed. He sniffled as he pressed the back of his hand against his nose before placing them on the counter once again. He watched as they sat idly, doing nothing.

His shift has been quiet. The sky has darkened early again and has yet to start pouring down. A few customers stopped by. Most were tired parents paying for the gas in their cars whilst their grouchy teens picked out snacks, and their disobedient children threw fits. Others were college students who were living off ramen and oats.

Yoongi paid no mind to the majority of them. He scanned the snacks, took their money, and then bid them a good evening. His mind was else where, focused on things he thought he let go of.

He had woken up in a panic, and back pains from sleeping on the couch, he had a...weird dream. At first, he had ignored it. Science says dreams are a message from one's subconscious, Yoongi believed that was completely bogus. It was just his mind reminding him of his messed-up past. But when he looked out the living room window, after massaging out the sores in his body, he thought otherwise. Outside his apartment, in the early hours of Seoul, were Korean government officials and agents patrolling the area.

Weird. Maybe an accident had occurred in the middle of the night? Was his first thought, but he quickly brushed that away when he didn't see anything on the news about an incident in Seoul. He instead leaned against the seal of the window as he watched the men communicate with each other or pace uo and down the streets.

But that idea may have proved itself to be stupid as he had broken out into a cold sweat when he accidently locked eyes with one of the agents. There was a look in the agents' eyes as if he knew the eyes staring back at him. Yoongi still remembers the small sadistic smile the man had given him before breaking off eye contact.

He instantly felt dread after that. Like his past was most definitely colliding with his presence, and maybe his dream was a warning or something. He attempted to shake it off and quickly closed the curtains to create some sort of barrier between them, but his mind remained troubled.

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