I keep on hitting the ground

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TW: Mention of suicide

Namjoon's residence, 23:00 pm

The moon dimly lit Seoul. A soft hum of light casted over the loud and fast-paced city. It hadn't been this dim before, but the artificial light from company buildings, traffic lights, and post lamps standing on the side walks seemed to make up for the loss of radiance from the moon.

Jimin had yet to pay attention to that, however. His gaze was cast to the television sitting across from him as an adult cartoon played for his entertainment, but his focus was else where.

He had stayed quiet throughout the day. He hadn't spoken a word since he thanked Yoongi for running his bath for him and providing him with Namjoon's old clothes.

The clothes were too big on him, but Yoongi did warn him of that. The shirt he was wearing constantly slipped off his left shoulder, and he struggled to walk properly because the cuffs of the pants would get in the way of his feet; effectively tripping him up every few seconds. It became a tiring pain, so he's been sat on the couch staring mindlessly at the television in front of him.

In all honesty, he just needed time to himself, really.

It was sort of tormenting. The fact that he was so traumatised that he forced himself to forget anything associated with it.

Including his birthday.

Jimin had tried to give himself a little hope. Maybe no one told him when he was born? His parents sure did not get the chance to tell him, seeing as they were dead before they could even hold him.

But when he had stepped out of the bathroom after having changed into Namjoon's clothing, he heard the latter conversing with Yoongi.

"We were all given experiment numbers that consisted of the date of our birth, the time of birth, and our initials. Everyone had one. They were basically our names."

"Yet Jimin doesn't remember his birthday?" Yoongi responded.

Jimin couldn't see his face from where he stood, but he could tell by the man's tone that he was very confused.

Jimin could relate.

He had concluded that he must have forgotten his experiment number on purpose. It had to be on purpose.

He was aware of how much he hated that place and wanted nothing to do with it. It would not be a surprise if Jimin had indeed forced himself to forget his experiment number along with all the other horrible things he's witnessed in those labs.

Why would anyone want to be titled with an experiment number anyway?

It's dehumanising.

He was a little surprised that Namjoon had remembered his one. The man even seemed very comfortable talking about it. Jimin couldn't tell if it was because of how much Namjoon trusted Yoongi or if he didn't face the trauma Jimin and other hybrids have.

It was most likely the former. Though a part of him did hope it was the second thought. Jimin would sell his soul to rid himself of the trauma he faced in those labs. Any hybrid would.

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