I Messed Up Tonight

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A forceful knock at his apartment door had woken the sleeping Yoongi up. He grumbled.

It was the middle of May, and the heat was quickly rising in Seoul. It had taken Yoongi a whole hour, just to find a comfortable position in bed so he could sleep peacefully. Obnoxious knocking at the door was completely ignorant to Yoongi's struggles.

Though Yoongi could not really blame the person so much.

Its not like they knew what Yoongi was going through prior to knocking. Another great example of being empathic.

No one ever knows what one person may be going through.

Albeit, this learning moment was completely dismissed the moment Yoongi arrived at his apartment door. He swung it open with much force that he thought the door would fall off. Much to his delight, the door remained intact. He did not have the funds to spend money on tools to fix the door again. Or call someone else to fix it for him. And he couldn't trust his roommate to do it either.

Namjoon would somehow make a hole in the wall instead.

He knows. He's witnessed it before.

Stupid dog.

Yoongi frowned when no one was standing on the opposing side of the door. His frown only deeped once he realised he was woken up for no good reason.

It was probably some stupid teens that had nothing better to do with their mundane lives but antagonise unsuspecting adults. Those snob faced bullies. He hated them.

Just as Yoongi was about to close the door and return to another hour of tossing and turning in his bed just to fall asleep, his eyes cast downwards. There was no reason for him to look down. He just felt the need to.

Maybe it was a sense of habit he developed from watching his father look down to make sure he never mistakenly dropped anything when returning home?

Or maybe that was a stretch because Yoongi had no good relationship with his father.

He hated him more than snob faced teens.

A basket rested just at his feet. A fluffy yellow blanket layed delicately on top of it. A red bow was neatly tied around it, finishing the gracious look. It portrayed a loving Christmas gift Yoongi's only ever received from his roommate. Or those gifts neighbours would give each other when they first moved in.


He stared quizzically at it before bending down to pick it up and bring it inside. It was probably a stupid move - he noted that as he kicked the door closed with the tip of his toes and placed the basket softly on the kitchen counter - he should have at least inspected its contents first.

It could be a bomb for all he knows.

Or a basket filled with different socks that was missing its counterpart.

Now that was evil.

Min Yoongi, did you just take a suspicious looking box into your apartment? Yes, you did. Does this make you stupid? Yes. Yes, it does.

He slowly took the blanket off, scared that it could indeed be something harmful, only to be completely surprised by what he found inside.

It was a fluffy brown cat. Its fur was shiny and brushed to perfection. One ear was coloured cream, and the other was flattened firmly against its head. As Yoongi glided his hand over the fur, he shuddered. It felt like what clouds look like. Soft and light.

He held the sleeping kitten in his arms, cooing quietly at the sight as he looked into the basket to see if there was anything else.

There was a small note with words written on both sides. He reached down with one hand as the other securely kept itself positioned to hold the precious kitten.

Take it, it's yours. The note read, which was a complete contrast to the way the basket was wrapped and presented. Like the previous owners intentionally done this to attract whoever opened the door.

Like Min Yoongi.

Much to his own delight.

He scoffed at the arrogant words engraved on the card, carelessly throwing it back into the basket. "Gladly." He mumbled, smothering his face into the brown silky fur.

It was just so soft. He could sleep standing up with his face smoothed into it. He didn't care if he could suffocate from it.

His smothering, however, seemingly was too much, as it woke the sleeping kitten.

At the sight of the unknown figure holding it, the kitten sprang out of Yoongi's hands and scampered underneath his couch. It looked like something from a Tom and Jerry episode.

Yoongi sighed with a soft smile. He could understand the kitten's position. He, too, would run away at the sight of some random human rubbing their face into his fur like it was normal. Hell, if Yoongi were to ever be a cat, he wouldn't hesitate in scratching at the person's face off. He was grateful the kitten had decided to take the flight route instead of fight.

Yoongi bent down, ignoring the pop in his knees, and called the kitten out, "It's okay, kitty. I won't hurt you. Come on out."

Of course, the kitten stayed under the couch. Yoongi did not expect for it to warm up to him so soon. So he continued to call for it.

"Come on." He coaxed, making soft wind sounds between his teeth.

After repeating the same thing for a few five minutes, the cat eventually crawled out from beneath his couch and into his arms. Yoongi smiled at the cat whilst stroking its soft fur, "Let's go give you a bath."

Yoongi found a huge plastic container and filled it with warm water. He would have just washed the kitten in his bath, but he had to share said bath with Namjoon. Namjoon wasn't too fond of cats.

He took the container to his bathroom and went into the living room to get the furry animal. He slowly put the cat into the container - it was a stereotype that cats hated water. Surprisingly, however, the kitten jumped head first into the water, seemingly basking in the feeling of water running through its fur.

Yoongi was shocked. The kitten jumped in as if it's never been bathed before. But that couldn't be right. Not when its fur was so shiny and smooth, like it had been washed and pampered only a few hours ago.

Maybe it wasn't used to bathing?

Yoongi dismissed the thoughts for now. He instead focused his attention to scrubbing the kitten down properly. The kitten seemed to love it. It meowed loudly in delight and purred whenever Yoongi ran his hand behind the creamy ear.

After the bath, Yoongi placed the kitten back into it's- his basket, Yoongi had found the male indicator whilst drying the fluffy creature. He padded the basket up with the yellow blanket and folded an unused wash cloth as a make shift pillow.

The kitten once again purred loudly, quickly snuggling himself within the blankets and falling asleep.

Yoongi smiled down at the animal, proud at himself for helping it. His only worry now was Namjoon's reaction, and if they could keep it. And the expenses on vetenary care.

It was a long list of ifs.

For now, Yoongi decided to spend an hour finding a comfortable position underneath the unbearable heat of the summer sun and fall asleep.

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