Lost To Myself

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"Help me!"

A piercing screamed erupted from the livingroom in the middle of the night.

For the first minute of being abruptly woken up, Yoongi scowled. The Seoul night was cooler than the day, but still hot enough that his bed sheets were uncomfortable beneath his skin. His precious sleep was once again ruined. He was so close to killing someone.

How dare everyone disturb his much needed sleep.

But after his eyes caught the sight of his kitten's basket in dissary and his kitten nowhere in sight, panic set in. And the sounds of running and panting on the other side of his door only worsened his worries.

Yoongi quickly jumped out of bed, once again swinging the door open with such force that he hoped he didn't break the door off its hinges. But he had no time to worry about that right now.

"Namjoon! No!" He yelled at his friend, grabbing the taller's wrist and pulling him away from the small boy crouched behind their couch.

Namjoon growled, his wolf ears standing straight on top of his head and his tail wagging furiously behind him, with the intentions of hitting Yoongi so that the man could let him go.

To his despair, Yoongi decided to grow muscles and force him further away from the boy.

"It's just a small thing! D-don't hurt it!" Yoongi huffed. Namjoon was really strong. His DNA structured around wolves, which easily gave him the upper hand. But the rush of adrenaline and fear that Namjoon may actually kill his kitten, gave Yoongi the feul he needed to apprehend the male. "Bad, Kim! Bad!"

Namjoon instantly stopped growling after hearing Yoongi's words. He was used to praise, practically lived off it. Hearing Yoongi say such words was heartbreaking, he'd do anything for Yoongi to praise him once again. Namjoon stopped struggling against Yoongi's hold and instead sat down on the floor. His breath ragged due to the running around and growling at the new unwanted guest in his apartment. He was furious. Yoongi knew how much he hated cats yet he brought one in his house. It was a reasonable response in his opinion.

Once Namjoon had finally calmed down, Yoongi looked towards the couch to see if his kitten was fine. Yoongi was completely shocked to see his kitten was no longer a small fluffy brown cat, but a human with long cat tail and a familiar pair of ears attached to the top of his head.

"Y-you're hybrid..?" Yoongi gasped, his hands absentmindedly let go of Namjoon's wrist now that he was too distracted with the sight in front of him. And he trusted Namjoon enough to not do anything stupid.

Namjoon was hybrid himself. Yoongi's known him for most of his life and never had a problem with it. He was only awkward with the knowledge after the first three months of knowing, but that uncomfortablility soon disappeared once he realised Namjoon was just like any other human.

Just with wolf ears and a tail. If Yoongi ignored that, then Namjoon was a normal human like him.

The kitten hybrid nodded timidly. His chest heaved up and down. The fear he was once feeling slowly began dissipating once he saw Namjoon's calm state. But he still kept his guard up in case the man was the try anything once again.

He was sleeping peacefully in his basket when he heard footsteps walking around in the livingroom. He was only curious and wanted to make sure that Yoongi was safe. If he knew Namjoon was a dog- wolf, he would have stayed in the room.

Yoongi carefully traveled across the room and towards the hybrid. He softly stooped down to the boy's height and smiled softly at him to calm him. "Sorry about that. Namjoon clearly isn't a cat person."

Namjoon scowled at Yoongi's words, but said nothing. He was basically in time out until Yoongi decided to acknowledge his presence once again.

The kitten hybrid smiled, his gaze softened as he willed himself to let his guard down. "It's okay. I understand." He whispered back. The last sentence was directed towards Namjoon. He looked over Yoongi's shoulder and towards the wolf hybrid to give him a wild smile.

Namjoon reciprocated. It was forced, but it was a smile nonetheless. Much to Yoongi's appreciation.

"I-im Park Jimin!" His eyes beamed. The sight melted Yoongi's heart. A warm feeling bubbled in his stomach.

Jimin was just so cute. He couldn't handle it.

Namjoon, on the other hand, forced down a scoff.

"I'm Min Yoongi."

"Kim Namjoon..." The hybrid man called. He stood up from his seated position and walked towards the pair. Namjoon made sure not to get too close to Jimin in case he were to scare him once again.

But Jimin's smile only grew more, if that was even possible. Underneath the dull beam of the moon, Park Jimin's smile only brightened and lit up the livingroom.

It was a sight so precious, so innocent, that it completely contradicted the words of Min Yoongi's father on the other side of the city.

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