See What's Next

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Across Seoul, 22:02

A soft click of the door nob resonated within the hallway of the luxury apartment before the door opened.

It swung open with such force that it had almost slammed against the white wall behind it if it wasn't for Seokjin quickly grabbing the door nob to prevent it. The last time he had left the door to abuse his wall, a small hole was left as a sign of the assault. His mother was beyond furious when she received a call from him asking for extra money for a fix.

It was the first and last time Seokjin had left the door to swing. It was also the last time he had asked his mother for anything.

He didn't need her money anyway. He had more than enough to last him his whole life.

A gentle scoff had left his throat. It was involuntary, a reflex from thinking too much about his mother. Seokjin was no longer a child. He was well aware his mother never cared for him the way he did for her. Thoughts about her were a waste of time.

However, he couldn't help but wonder whether she worries for him sometimes. Thinks about him. Question: How is life going for Seokjin? My son.

It has been two years since they last communicated. Although it ended on (somewhat of) a bad note, Seokjin hoped she would still try to reach out to him.

It would mean the world to Kim Seokjin if his mother at least texted him. Whether it be an apology or another rant about how ungrateful Seokjin was, it didn't matter. Seokjin would die peacefully, knowing she at least thought about him.

As he shook off his blazer, he once again scoffed. This time, towards himself. His mother was right. He was ungrateful.

He argued with himself - multiple times a day - just call her. She was one phone call away. If he missed her so dearly, then he would have called her long ago; was the voice that constantly nagged in the back of his head. But he always rivalled it.

He wanted to believe she loved him, like any mother would for her child. It was wishful thinking, but Seokjin always thought if she called him first, then it would show she has always had love for him. That's all he needed.

Love from his mother.

It wasn't like his father could give it to him. His father has long left Earth. Seokjin wonders if his father frowns down at him for not trying to have a better relationship with his mother.

Another scoff.

Most likely.

He shook his head in dismissal. He didn't want to think about his parents right now. Not after the long and tiring day he's had. Seokjin just wanted a nice warm bath to wind down. The hot steam always clouded his mind and ensured he had forgotten his miseries. He'd make sure the water was extra hot so he could rest in the tub for longer despite the water burning his skin for the first five minutes. Albiet, he's been having hot baths since he learnt how to bathe himself, so he was accustomed to being boiled alive. It might not have been healthy for his skin, but the water always provided the warmth he never had.

Even in the heat wave Seoul seemed to be in, Seokjin never truly felt warm.

Seokjin sighed softly to himself as he took off his work shoes. "I should text Hoseok." He thought outloud as he stuffed his feet in his fluffy slippers, sighing contently at the feeling of comfort wrapping around his feet. And his toes rejoiced in the appreciation of being free from those sharp leather shoes he's been wearing all day.

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