I Keep Falling Down

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TW: mentions of sexual assault & attempted rape

Across Seoul, 22:05 pm

Taehyung's ears stayed perched up on top of his head. His eyes darted from bunk to bunk in the dark room. He could see the faces of every laying man in the room. Not one had their eyes closed. Not one was in the deep bliss of sleep. Their gaze was instead turned towards him.

Trailing their disgusting looks over his blanket covered body. Attempting to make out the curves of his figure, imaging the feeling of his soft tail between their fingers. Lusting for the sweet melodic sounds, they would force out of him the moment sleep would override his alertness.

But Taehyung stayed strong. He fought the falling of his eye lids. He's heard too many screams and cries in the middle of the night. The men travelled via pack, attacking the hybrids one by one. Taehyung was the only hybrid left. He refused to fall asleep, even for a second.

He's been awake for a week. Taehyung was sure he could see a man standing by the foot of his bed, just staring at him as he lay. But each time he blinked, the figure would disappear. It scared him the first time he saw it, but he's now grown accustomed to the shadow man. At least he hasn't tried to hurt Taehyung. He's been more sane than the men Taehyung were surrounded by.

The other unfortunate hybrids, who had already been de-flowered, shook beneath their covers. They hoped Taehyung would be caught tonight. He deserved it. They all went through it, so Taehyung should, too.

It was a fucked wish.

They all hated him for not being held against his will and physically and psychologically tortured. Hybrids have been through enough as it is, the assault only made them wish to go back to those labs again. They all wished Taehyung would hurry and fall asleep so the men could do their bidding with him. Then, they would all be equal.

Taehyung made sure to stay well away from everyone he shared a room with. He made sure to be the first out of the room, the first to grab food and the last to enter the room for bed. He's heard the hybrids ask the homeless shelter staff for sleeping pills. He had a good guess who they were going to use them for, because it was not for themselves.

His breath hitched when the man on the bed next to him began to shift. Taehyung was on the top bunk, much to his delight. He could see everything better from this height, as well as the nocturnal abilities he has due to being a fox hybrid.

His normal human function told him to sleep through the night and awake at day. But the fox genetics gave him great eye sight for nocturnal activities. It was probably the only thing he thanked the scientists for.

The man climbed down his bunk. He dragged himself towards the bottom of Taehyung's bunk, over to the ladder, and just stood there. Staring up at him. Like he didn't care if he was awake or not.

Taehyung's heart beat fastened, his palms began to sweat. He sat up fully on his bed and crawled towards the end of it to peer down at the man beneath.

To his shock, there was agroup of men standing at the ladder of his bunk. All had blank stares. The only thing that glowed in the dark room, was the lust within their eyes.

His breath hitched. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. But he forced them not to. Any form of vulnerability in front of these men would only give them the upper hand.

And although they probably wouldn't be able to make out the tears on Taehyung's face, they'd definitely be able to hear his sniffles and sobbing.

He grasped the thin bed sheets beneath his palms, and slowly came forward to maintain the eye contact with them.

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