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"What do you suppose the kids would say if they walked in on us like this?" Kanan wondered to Hera. 

The pair were in the main room, curled up with a bunch of blankets and a holomovie, Hera's favorite. Steam from the hot chocolate rose in front of her face as she laughed softly, taking a small sip.

"I suppose they would all shriek and scream," she shrugged, shifting around. Kanan chuckled too, repositioning his arm. "After all, Sabine and Ezra are teens and, well, Zeb's a child in a grown body."

Kanan said, snorting, "If you told that to him, he would sulk like a teenage boy." Hera hummed in acknowledgement, digging her head into the spot where Kanan's shoulder met his neck.

She lip-synced to the holomovie, having watched it so many times. "But of course, my darling," her lips moved. "I love you and would move a million stars, all for you. Anything you ask of me, it is yours." 

The man next to her laughed as he watched her. "You're not even watching the movie," Hera pouted. 

"How can I, when you, all beauty and grace, are right next to me?" Kanan, for all his idiocy and stupidity, was completely sincere and innocent in his response.

Hera flushed, burying her face in his shoulder, causing Kanan to laugh again. Her response was cut off by the doors opening, and the two braced themselves for screaming.

However, the visitor was not an expected one. From the silhouette, Kanan noticed the montrals and sighed with relief. A second later, though, he wasn't too sure if this person would react any better than the kids.

Cringing, Kanan met the eyes of Ahsoka Tano, who looked like she was about to burst into laughter, her lekku turning darker by the second from suppressing laughter.

Hera sputtered for a few seconds, attempting to calm her beating heart. "Ahsoka, how...nice to see you here," she said with a forced smile. "We...weren't expecting you."

"I can tell," Ahsoka said, trying to stop her grin from breaking out. "You both look very...comfortable." Unable to stop herself any further, the Togruta burst into laughter, doubling over. 

Kanan groaned, mortified, and pulled a blanket over his head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Ahsoka gasped, still laughing. "I'm not trying to laugh at you." She slowly straightened up, though her eyes were still twinkling with glee, a look that was rare these days.

"EWWWW!" they all heard a scream. Kanan dropped the blanket to find Ezra shrieking in disgust from behind Ahsoka.

This promptly caused Ahsoka to begin cackling again, the sound echoing through the Ghost ship and causing everyone to migrate towards the main room to find out what was going on. 

Sabine, upon entering the room, froze, jaw dropping open. A second later, she screamed, "EZRA, I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU! PAY UP!" She jumped up and down in excitement, giggling with glee, causing both Kanan and Hera to groan.

Ahsoka eased herself into the seat nearby, trying to calm down from her laughter. Ezra was wrinkling his face in disgust, pulling out a coin and tossing it at Sabine, who screamed in triumph. 

"Alright, alright!" Hera moaned. "You all know Kanan and I are a couple. Can you all please leave now?"

All together, they chorused, "NO!" 

Hera and Kanan shared a look. It was going to be a long night.

Hey y'all! How are you guys? I know, I know, I've been gone for a loooooong time, and I'm really sorry! School has been super busy, so I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to write as much... Anyhow, I hope that you guys enjoyed this story! It was just a fun little thing I wanted to write. Let me know what you thought!


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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