A Rebel Proposal

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"Alright, Kanan, what's so important that you need us to be on a different planet than from the girls?" Ezra asked, raising an eyebrow. "You know how Sabine gets whenever I go somewhere else that she isn't now."

Kanan had been quite insistent that he, Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper needed to go to Lothal to discuss something, which was a few planets away from where the rest of the rebels were. Ezra stood there waiting, and Zeb nodded in agreement.

"Okay, look," Kanan sighed. "I need your help."

"Wow, wait, the master needs help from the padawan?" Ezra chuckled, both Zeb and Chopper also laughing. "What can be so important?"

Kanan took a deep breath, then blurted, "I want to propose to Hera." Any trace of laughter completely dropped from the others' faces, and they all stood there in shock.

"Um, okay, wow, I definitely wasn't expecting that," Ezra eventually managed to say. "That is definitely important. But what makes you think I have advice about that?"

"Maybe the fact that you and Sabine got married a few years ago," Zeb suggested, rolling his eyes.

True enough, the boy and Sabine were now married. The war had ended about seven years ago, and Sabine and Ezra had decided to be wedded, not wanting to regret waiting too late. It had been a joyous event, with all the rebels and their allies joining over. Sabine was now four months pregnant, and the whole crew had been ecstatic when they'd found out.

Ezra laughed. "I suppose that's true," he said, running his fingers through his now grown out hair. "Well, all you can really do is be true to yourself. Don't try to be a completely new person. You want Hera to marry you for you." He rethought his words, then added, "But don't be a complete dork."

Kanan chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Yes, I'll try to not be a dork," he said dryly. "But, see, this is why I asked you."

"Could you do it in front of the rest of us?" Zeb asked. "I want to watch you do it."

"Okay, maybe figure out how you're going to do it first, though," Ezra advised. "Start off with a ring. What do you think about that?"

He hesitated. "That's a good question," the man admitted. "I want it to be something special, perhaps something from Ryloth?"

Ezra nodded encouragingly. "Yeah, that's a good start," he said. "Now, what could be something from there that would be meaningful to Hera?"

Thinking about his former student's words, Kanan's eyes lit up. "Thanks, I have to go!" Kanan practically shouted, running towards the Phantom.

"HEY, WE NEED TO GET BACK TOO! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BROUGHT US HERE!" Zeb yelled, he and Ezra also both sprinting towards the Phantom as Chopper followed them. "I don't think Hera or Sabine would want to hear that you left us on Lothal while you went to who knows where."

"Yeah, sorry, I just had a great idea," Kanan said, teal eyes sparkling. "I need to go to Ryloth."

Chopper gave out a series of grumpy beeps, and Zeb rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you rust bucket, Kanan had enough advice from us, he doesn't need help from you." The droid zapped the Lasat, who growled and banged him hard.

"Well, please don't tell the girls anything," Kanan pleaded. "Just tell them I needed to do something."

Ezra gave a thumbs up as they entered hyperspace. "Your secret's safe with us," he nodded. Chopper grumbled softly, causing the boy to roll his eyes. "Yes, Chopper, you can't say anything either, unless you actually want Kanan to destroy you." That quickly shut up the droid, and Kanan chuckled softly.

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