A Grumpy Sabine

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This turned out a lot more fluffy than I was expecting, but it was fun to write, even if I'm not quite satisfied with it. It talks a bit about that certain time of the month for females (guys are lucky they don't feel like they're getting stabbed in the stomach every month) so don't read if you're not comfortable. Alright, bye people!



Sabine groaned when she woke up. Her sheets were rather bloody, and she glared at it. Stomping out, she immediately tripped over Chopper, which made her even more upset. 

Once she banged the droid hard on the head, she continued to walk towards the refresher when she realized that she'd forgotten to grab a change of pants. Sabine let out another groan and turned back to grab her things. 

She finally finished and went to the common room to find everyone else already eating. Ezra, who had felt her grumpiness through the force, merely slid a bowl over to her without saying a word. 

"We don't have any missions, so I'm sending Chopper and Zeb to go get supplies," Hera told them. Zeb sighed and nodded, and Chopper gave a few beeps. 

"I'll be in my room," Sabine snapped when she was done eating. 

Zeb raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why so angry?" Sabine punched him hard as she passed by, and Zeb gave a growl, ready to punch her back.

However, Ezra held up a hand and shook his head. "Just give her some alone time," Sabine heard him murmured. "I think she needs it right now." A rush of gratitude and affection filled her for Ezra's thoughtfulness. 

He truly had changed quite a bit since he met them. Before, he was a bit too interested in Sabine and tried to continually impress her, but now, he didn't do any of that, which she rather missed, though she'd never admit it. 

Sabine sighed, then she flopped back into her bed. Curling up in the fetal position, Sabine began dozing off again, only to be awoken by pain. Cramps. Sabine gave a loud growl and tossed her blankets really hard into the wall, but it didn't make much of a sound. 

There was a soft knock, and the door hissed open to reveal Ezra holding a few things. 

"Hey," he said quietly. The boy walked over and crouched down next to her bed. "Here." Ezra handed her some warm towels, which Sabine gratefully took and placed on her stomach. He put down a jug of water and some chocolates next to her bed, and Sabine smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"How'd you know?" she asked. 

Ezra snorted softly. "Well, for one, you were unusually grumpy this morning. Also, I could kind of sense your pain through the force." He went over to retrieve her blankets and set them close by on the floor in case she decided that she wanted them later.

Sabine frowned, guilt bubbling inside of her. "I'm sorry," she said. "It was just not very pleasant to wake up to blood on my sheets." She clapped a hand to her mouth after realizing that that probably wasn't something Ezra needed to know, but he only laughed.

"Well, I'll be back in a sec." 

He got up and she could hear the boy shuffling around outside. Then, he came back in with a change of sheets. Ezra placed it aside and picked up Sabine bridal style, causing her to blush. Ezra quickly changed the sheets and placed a towel on it, then picked Sabine back up and put her on the bed. 

"Thanks, Ezra," Sabine smiled. 

Ezra smiled back and asked, "Do you need anything else?" She hesitated, and Ezra noticed. "Sabine?"

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