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"was it even here?" I asked amused. Whoeeeeee there are lot....

We gathered in to the court as we sat in a round.

"can we make a bonfire here" shenny asked...

"how?" jimin hyung tossed his fingers.

"yes... It's getting cold now" I nodded before patting jungkook.

"can we go and find some old woods. I..... Uhmm... Maybe there are some in storage" he nodded and we both went. I heard some other foot steps too... So I turned around to see taehyung hyung.

"hyung.... Did you came for help?" he nodded and smiled. With his red eye.. It looked lil bit creepy but I just shrugged.

"are you feeling OK?"

"yeah... Just sometimes I feel so toxic with you guys. Like your scent is attracting me. That's why I stayed away from you?"

I shook my head understanding.

"well... The thing I told you before is valied OK?" he chuckled.

"you guys having fun time?" jungecame with some woods.

"nah.. I was just saying him that if he want he can just go and eat a zombie hehe" I smiled and went away with some woods I picked. Am I Wiered. Nah I don't think so...


"she's Wiered" v said.
"nah... I don't think so" jungkook giggled himself.

"you're changing" Taehyung stated as jungkook looked at him.

"Like what?"

"you're becoming a softie.." he sing songed as jungkook just rolled his eye.

"it's OK to change.. You know that right? You are being responsible and you are changing her too" jungkook snapped his head at him.

"I am changing her? No way"

"you really didn't saw.... Right? She cried for first time... Because of what... She felt she will lose you... Lose everyone.... She's being soft too.... But she won't open her heart to you straightly jungkook. You have to earn it. Like a precious thing it is" Taehyung went away after patting jungkook's back.

"Do I like her?"


"vany...." Jeongguk sat beside vany.


"I... Uh....nothing" vany raised her eyebrow.

"you don't have anything to say?"

"uh.. That's not what I meant. I mean I had... But I forgot"
Vany chuckled and so Jeongguk.

"you... And your brother are twins right?"


"are you the older or is he?"
"haha... It's jungkook... He is 3 minutes older than me." she nodded in understandment.

"so how did you and your friends meet?"

"how we met? Uhm... I really don't have any idea.. I mean we were just matching. We all. We're alone in the class and eventually get along with each other. Specially Ima. She needed friends who understand her. So at first she got friendly with me. We thought she is so cold and you a kind of girl.. But no... It is just her nature. But with us she's a total sulky baby bun who lost her bunny teeth. She always get late and ran to us with toasts in her mouth. Have children named her bow and arrow. She's different..... "

" you all are different... You know " vany looked at him.

" but... In a good way. It's interesting and so caring" their eyes stucked with each other.

Jeongguk made his first move bu attaching his lips with vany. Her breath got stucked in her throat as she kissed back tilting her head. They broke the kiss and attached their foreheads breathing heavily.

"is... Is this a time to kiss" she let out as a hard breath. Gguk chuckled

"no... Absolutely not" they both broke into laughter hugging each other.


"you dork... Give me my turtle chips you idiot." suga chased shenny around the court as she ran away giggling with his snack.

"hey kitty kitty... Catch me if you can...." she teased as she ran away...

"wait till I catch you shingles" He chased her and eventually fell on her when she stopped on her tracks.

"ouch... My back" shenny hissed as she fell down"

"get off of me elephant....." she pushed suga away as he remain frozen with red cheeks..

"whatever... He stlld up and went away blushing. Shenny kept eating the snacks.

Ima came with woods and she and and jungkook made the bonfire. They fired it with a liter and sat around it.

AT THE END (zombie au)Where stories live. Discover now