Hometown glory

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She didn't deserve to die

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She didn't deserve to die. And I didn't deserve to take her place.

The ceremony had nearly ended and I briskly got up first, needing some air. Heads turned as I made my way out the door, clutching my face to stifle my cry.

I got outside of the building and collapsed against the wall. Slowly, my body fell to the ground. I was broken. She was my life and now she's gone. She still had so much life left in her, I couldn't understand why she had to go. Everything happened so fast and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"Is there anything I can do for you, my dear? Is there anyone I can call?" I whispered through tears, hoping she could hear me.

I stared into oblivion, thinking about the love of my life. She wouldn't want me to be like this. I have a purpose in life, I need to protect my coven. I need to do this for her.

I gathered my senses and stood up, wiping my tears away as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Y/N?" they whispered sympathetically.

"I'm alright Myrtle" I took a shaky breath. "It's time" she whispered. I simply nodded and followed her to where she was going to rest.

Everyone stood around the resting place of Delia as they lowered her coffin to the ground. I wanted to scream but no sound came out.

I stood in front of her coffin, and a single tear rolled down my cheek and landed on the plaque of her name.

"We stand here today as we remember Cordelia. She was our Supreme, our best friend and most importantly, our mother. We all knew this day would come, as a new Supreme rises, the old one dies. But we can't ever forget her as The Supreme. Cordelia would do anything for us, even stretching as far as saving the world from the Antichrist. This isn't goodbye Delia, it's simply a see you later" I spoke as our girls held each other's hands for comfort.

I didn't wait for a response, I merely walked away. I wanted to be by myself.

I hope that the next supreme would rise soon. Then I can be reunited with Delia once more.

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