Hold up a light

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I was sat in the local bar, drinking quietly on my own

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I was sat in the local bar, drinking quietly on my own. Austin and Belle were singing a beautiful duet on stage. 

I glanced to the other end of the bar for a second and saw another woman sitting alone. She looked emotional as she watched the pair on the stage. She didn't look particularly welcoming however, something drew me to her. I couldn't quite place what that feeling was. 

I found my legs walking over to the woman and sitting down on the vacant seat next to her. She turned her head to stare at me with big brown eyes. 

"Who are you?" she spoke softly before coughing a lung up. 

"I'm Y/N" I smiled, holding a hand out for her to shake. She took it reluctantly and shook it. Her fingers looked rough and beaten but I couldn't see the rest of her hands for her fingerless gloves.

"You should leave this place... Y/N. It's not safe" she whispered, not taking her eyes off Belle for one second.

"Why would I leave now when I just met you? Besides, I don't even know your name" I gestured.

"It's Karen" considering her hard exterior, she sounds so gentle. 

She turned her head back towards me and scanned my features. "You're a very pretty girl" 

I blushed at her comment, "thank you, Karen. Would you like a drink?" 

She nodded and I ordered two shots of tequila. 

They soon arrived and I handed her the glass. "Ready?" 

She nodded and knocked the drink back without cringing, I was impressed. I watched her carefully as she placed the glass back down and stared at her hands. Her eyes grew sad and I couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Karen" I whispered, her head slowly turning to face me once more. Something washed over me and I did the unthinkable. 

I cupped her cheek with one hand and gently pressed my lips against hers. I couldn't tell if she was kissing me back or not so I pulled away to see her eyes wide and a smile plastered across her face.

She was speechless.

"Hold up a light for me Y/N" was all she could get out before I kissed her once more. This time she definitely kissed back, our lips brushed against each other like they were destined to. 

We finally decided we needed some air and broke apart. She looked at me in a way that nobody had ever done before. 

"Y/N, you do something to me that I've never felt. I don't know if I like it" she giggled.

"I'll take that as a compliment Karen" I placed my hand on top of hers and rubbed my thumb across her knuckle. 

I was staring into space thinking about what had just happened when I heard a little sniffle. My eyes shot to Karen to see that she was crying. 

"Karen? Look at me please" I whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear. 

She turned her head to me and tried to force a smile. I shook my head and wiped her tears with my sleeve. "Please tell me what's wrong" 

She took me by the hands and sighed, "no one has ever shown me this much attention before, I just don't know how to handle it" my heart hurt for her. She truly was a beautiful woman. 

A gentle creature. 

"Karen, you deserve nothing but love in this world... do you want to know a secret?" I whispered the last part. She looked at me with teary eyes and nodded.

"I am happy to do that for you. I will give you all the love you could possibly need... if you are willing to let me?" she wiped away a tear and looked at me in awe. 

"Are you being serious? If you're not I suggest you walk out that door Y/N" she said sadly with a hint of anger and curiosity in her voice.

I took her hands in mine and smiled, "I am being serious. Don't doubt yourself! You are the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on" 

Her cheeks grew a deep shade of red and she smiled at me, "in that case, yes. Y/N, I will let you love me" without warning she pressed her lips against mine once more. This time it felt even more magical. It meant something.

I had only just met Karen but I didn't care. I was physically attracted to her and having spoken to her, she is perfect. Regardless of the way she may appear to others, she was made for me. My match was made in heaven. 

Our lips parted for the last time...

She stood up from the barstool and held her hand out for me to take. Without any hesitation I took it and she pulled me up to the middle of the room. We began to dance around to Belle and Austin's angelic voices.

"Hold up a light for me"

"I'll be watching, hold up a light for me" we sang as we moved to the beat, not a care in the world.

For the first time in her life, Karen felt wanted, happy, loved. Y/N walked into her life and made it worth living all in one night!

Y/N x Tuberculosis Karen <3

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