Chapter fifty-seven

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"It looks like someone who failed miserably at imitating a sunflower

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"It looks like someone who failed miserably at imitating a sunflower."

"They are yellow daffodils, Lou." Harry deadpanned from across the greenhouse, back turned to him, hunched over a lilac bush that was void of any flowers. "A failure is what it is." He echoed, rolling his eyes when Cliff came barreling into his legs, the puppy licking at his ankles with an enthusiasm as high as the trousers Harry liked to wear. He heard the quiet chuckle that Harry emitted indistinctly, hyper-focused on the puppy who kept nuzzling his shin to get his attention. "He is slobbering up my leg, Harry." He announced with a huff, trying to slide away from Cliff without visibly upsetting the puppy.

Like everyone always did, Cliff followed him as he walked away from the yellow daffodils segment, the puppy emitting tiny barks and yips every once in a while. "Hey, you are supposed to give attention to Harry." He hissed quietly, bending down a little to detach Cliff from his ankle. The puppy whimpered at the loss of contact, rolling over on his back before he got back on his legs, leaping for Louis' legs again. "I will fucking shove— oh, you're such a good boy, aren't you?" His angered tone transformed into a syrupy croon that sounded disgusting to his own ears when Harry turned towards them. The omega gave them a tiny wave and a confused smile before wandering off to another segment of the greenhouse.

Once Harry was out of his vision, he retracted his hand from Cliff's fur, standing up from where he was once crouched in front of the puppy. Cliff stared up at him with doe eyes, tilting his head to the side as Louis passed by him to get further into the greenhouse. He let a sigh of relief escape his mouth as a moment of peace passed over him, with no puppy wetting up his limbs with slobber, he gave himself time to observe the late winter blooms. Christmas roses, he remembered, as a line of the white-sepaled blossoms came into his view. He continued onto another flower after getting bored, resisting the urge to roll his eyes when a bark resonated through the glass walls of the structure. Just a second later, there was a puppy attached to his ankle, much more enthusiastic, and just as much annoying.

He cursed under his breath, plucking Cliff away from his leg and putting him on the ground, just a few inches away from him. Cliff whimpered miserably, wide-eyed as he peered up at him. "Jesus, is it the curls?" He bent down to pick up the dejected animal, holding him against his chest as he ran his fingers through Cliff's fur. And that was how Harry found them, a wide smile blooming on the omega's face as he hurried up to where Louis had taken a perch on the vintage, green-lacquered bench pushed against one of the translucent walls. "Take him, he is just as clingy as you." He tried to pass Cliff to Harry, the puppy now sound asleep.

"No, he's not. Shut up." Harry grumbled, not making any move to take Cliff from his hands, instead, the omega fished out his phone from the pockets of his oversized hoodie. "No pictures, Harry, I swear to god, I'll fucking resent you for the rest of your life." Of course, Harry went on to give him a cheesy grin from behind his horizontally-held phone, green eyes blown wide in felicity as the galling sound of the camera shuttering bounced in his ears. No sooner did Harry take the still sleeping Cliff in his arms than Louis stood up from the uncomfortable bench, taking out his phone to check for any updates from Liam.

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