Chapter 38 - Private

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A/N so sorry it took so long for me to post! i've been pretty busy with lifeas well as being a bit of a perfectionist. this fic might as well be my child so i needed to get everything in working order.

as i mentioned in an announcement, after this chapter there will definitively be four more chapters. 42 chapters in total! then, we'll move on to the next!

i hope you guys enjoy <3



With May approaching in the next week, George found it much easier to get out of bed in the mornings. The Spring sun had finally begun creeping out from behind the rainclouds, bathing the boys' dorm in warm, welcoming rays of sunlight.

He figured just about everyone understood the burden of rolling themselves out from beneath their comforter whilst cool rain pattered soothingly against the windows, effortlessly lulling them back to sleep. But with the sun, it felt like the proper start of a new day. It was invigorating. Enlivening.

This is how he woke on Monday morning. With a soft beam of light cascading over his face, it was enough to wake him before his wand's alarm had the chance to. 

Throwing his comforter off of his body, he swung his legs over the side of his bed, pulling himself up slowly in a seated position. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched his arms over his head, he saw that the sun's effects seemed to have helped his dormmates wake in much of the same manner. Everyone was either sitting up, or slightly stirring.

George quickly stood, grabbing his towel and making a beeline to the loo.

It was always nice to have the first shower.

Standing beneath the spray of warm water, he ran his fingers through his hair, letting citrus-smelling, foamy suds start to build, wincing as he snagged a few tangles.

He took his time, despite knowing that his roommates were waiting to shower as well.

He didn't care—he had a big day ahead of him.

Not necessarily an eventful day. But, a big day, nonetheless.

He would be seeing her this morning. The first time he'd be seeing her since she'd left him in the stairwell on Saturday night.

Left him hanging was actually the proper term for it.

As he always did, he'd gotten her off first. Which was all fine and dandy—until she fled the scene, leaving his chest aching. His cock, too.

He'd had to continue on to his dorm alone, leaving the party behind to finish himself off. It was rather a massive let down—his hand wasn't nearly as soft as hers. And not even her hands felt as good as sinking into the dripping, velvety heat of her.

Godric, absolutely nothing compared to being buried in her cunt.

Fucking her was not unlike what George imagined to be a spiritual event.

She was an altar to the Divine Feminine.

Hearing her melodic, angelic little moans as he pressed into her. Feeling the gentle caress of her hands over his chest, or the brush of her lips against his neck. Seeing her hair form a golden halo around the crown of her head as she arched back into the pillow.

It felt like a privilege.

George quickly tried to shake those memories away. Banishing them as his cock began to stiffen. He'd been in the shower long enough already.

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