Chapter 34 - Heartless

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A/N Part 2 of the gala - back to Jolie's POV

i hope you guys enjoy <3


Savannah fucking Midgeon was here.

In Jolie's home. Right in the ballroom.

Wearing a purple dress.

Thankfully, it was a lighter colour, not the exact shade that Jolie was wearing. And of course, Savannah's wasn't a custom. It was a strapless ballgown of lavender tulle. Jolie hated to admit it, but she looked... pretty. She really was an objectively attractive girl. Which made sense, considering George had dated her. It was unfortunate she had absolute rubbish of a personality.

Jolie couldn't believe she was here. She could hardly believe her eyes. Not even she would have the utter audacity of showing up to an enemy's home in a similar dress.

And that's what Savannah was—an enemy. That had been easily established back in October, at the Halloween party.

It wasn't because she was George's ex-girlfriend, though that decidedly did not help. She was Jolie's enemy because she'd purposefully ruined Charlotte's uniform, her costume for the night, for no real reason. Jolie fucking hated her for it.

Cassius stepped forward, pulling Savannah with him. Jolie remained frozen.

"Good evening," he greeted, smiling down at Jolie with a sly grin. "Congratulations on your new classification."

Savannah said nothing, looking at Jolie smugly—as if she was waiting for the lit fuse to reach its end. She looked proud of herself, knowing exactly what she was doing. Knowing exactly the reaction she could get. She was itching for a fight, Jolie could tell. And she wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

"Thank you," Jolie gritted through her teeth, refusing to look at the girl on Cassius' arm. "If you'll excuse us."

She didn't wait for a response, pulling George away from them and heading for the side of the ballroom as she tried to maintain a clear head.

"Why is she here?" George whispered as she tugged him along.

"That's what I was going to ask you," she hissed, turning to face him once they were far enough away from prying eyes and ears.

"How would I know?" he asked. "I've not spoken to her since November."

Jolie groaned, rubbing a hand over her face. She was so angry she couldn't think straight.

"Why would Warrington bring her?" George continued, leaning down to get her attention.

"Everyone was there that night," she sighed. "Cassius knows that I don't like her. He probably brought her to get my attention—"

"Why would he be trying to get your attention?"

Jolie cringed. "Well, he's already shown interest in a possible courtship. Back in December. He mentioned that it'd be a respectable union of families. And he..."

"He what?" George pushed.

Jolie winced, remembering that day at the quidditch pitch. She cleared her throat. "He, erm... He asked me if I was a virgin."

George's grip on Jolie's hand tightened, only then making her realise that he'd been holding it. It felt almost like a possessive gesture. She tried not to dwell on it too much, despite the flutters in her chest.

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