Chapter 22 - Detentions & Decisions

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*** Part 2 of the Double Update in GEORGE'S POV ***


After dinner that day, George split up with most of his friends, walking with Alicia toward the Potions classroom. She had apparently also received a detention from Snape that afternoon in the courtyard for defending a first year Ravenclaw from Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, the slimy gits.

They chatted amicably until they reached the door. George pulled it open and held it for Alicia as she passed the threshold.

He turned in after her, letting his eyes rove over the room.

The only other students in detention besides he and Alicia were Seamus Finnigan, Cormac McLaggen, a dark haired Hufflepuff George didn't know the name of, and Jolie Carrow.

She sat at one of the round tables with only the Hufflepuff across from her.

The boy seemed to be talking to her as they all waited for Snape. She had her chin propped up against her hand, blinking slowly with a bored expression at whatever the boy was saying.

George stifled a laugh. She looked miserable.

He made his way toward her when Alicia grabbed his arm as he passed, gesturing for him to sit at the stool next to her and Seamus. George shook his head with an apologetic grin, politely declining. Alicia's brow furrowed as he passed.

He plopped down onto the seat next to Jolie and grinned when she jumped at the sound.

George caught the tail end of what the Hufflepuff was saying, noting the boy's prominent lisp.

"—so I don't really think he can keep us after curfew. Do you?"

Jolie shook her head slowly, still holding her head up by the heel of her hand. "I don't know, Justin—"

"Do you think he's going to make us brew something?" the boy called Justin asked her. "I'm not very good at Potions. S'why I'm here. I muffed up my shrinking solution—"

Jolie flinched, lifting a hand to wipe a bit of spittle off of her cheek.

George snorted, then quickly covered it by clearing his throat.

"Er, Justin, right? Maybe you could—"

The boy thrust out a hand, making George lean back. "Justin Finch-Fletchley. Third year."

"Right," George muttered, taking Justin's hand, and giving it a shake. "George Weasley. As I was saying, maybe you could—"

"So you're George," Justin cut him off. "You have a twin so I can't always tell you apart—"

"No I don't," George informed him, bunching his eyebrows together in feigned confusion, trying to keep a straight face as Justin's eyebrows shot up.

"You... don't?"

"No..." George lied. "What made you think that?"

He heard Jolie breathe a laugh and George had to strain to not look over and beam at her. He loved making her laugh. He needed to make it less of a rarity.

Justin sputtered for a moment. "But—but there's... There's two of you."

George tried to appear pensive. "There's not... It's only me."

Justin looked down at the table, his eyes wide in thought.

"Are you feeling all right, mate?" George asked, forcing a tone of concern. "Maybe you should see Madam Pomfrey. You must be seeing double."

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