Chapter 4 - Galleons

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The match ended up being an absolute disaster. 

The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams had struggled against the ferocious winds of the storm, thunder drowning out the cheers from the stands. 

Though no one could see hardly anything through the downpour, Gryffindor had been up by fifty points when Harry Potter was suddenly swarmed by the dementors that guarded the castle. Cedric had caught the snitch just as everyone watched the outline of Potter plummet from his broom, toward the sodden ground. 

Dumbledore saved him, thankfully, slowing his fifty-foot fall. While Jolie didn't interact or care much for the boy, she'd rather not witness his death or major injury. Or anyone else's, for that matter.

From what Jolie had been able to see from the game, it was clear that Cedric was a fairly adept captain. 

His team's chasers worked well together, a strong unit. But, of course, Oliver Wood was a damn good keeper, perfectly blocking every shot by Hufflepuff's chasers. Watching the deep crimson of the soaked Gryffindor quidditch robes, Jolie couldn't help but notice the talents of the team's beaters. Of course, she'd known they were good, the Weasley twins. 

The two brothers had made the team in only their second year which was not an easy feat. After keeping a closer eye on them, though, Jolie could admit to herself that they were exceptional players. Naturals.

Back in the common room, Daphne and Jolie huddled together by the fireplace, basking in its warmth, and thawing their frigid fingers. 

Every student and staff member had returned from the match drenched by the rain and stunned into silence in nearly witnessing the death of Gryffindor's seeker. Well, every student except for Draco, Vincent, and Greg. They seemed to quite enjoy reenacting the moment Potter fell from his broom.

Forgoing any drying charms, Jolie and her friends had returned to their dorms to completely change clothing, instead and reconvene in the common room. Now, they all sat in gratified silence. 

Draco sat with his elbows resting against his knees and hands clasped together, no doubt seething that he hadn't played today; likely thinking that, with Potter's distraction, he could have been the one to catch the snitch. Not Cedric. Pansy sat beside him on the couch, rubbing nurturing circles onto his back. Though, he didn't seem to notice her. 

Theo sat on the armchair, wistfully flipping through a novel too quickly to actually be reading the pages. Blaise sat on the other side of Draco, scribbling notes into his Potions essay, his eyes flicking over to check on Draco every so often. 

After a while, Daphne heaved a great sigh.

"You know, I still don't understand it," she breathed.

Everyone looked up at her. They had all barely spoken since arriving back to the castle.

"Understand what? The game?" Blaise asked, lifting his chin toward her.

Daphne nodded her head, blonde pieces falling from her high ponytail. 

"Just... what are blunders even for?" She turned her head around to peer at Blaise.

Theo snorted. Everyone snickered. Even the corners of Draco's mouth quirked up a bit.

Unable to hold in a laugh, Jolie patted her friend's back.

"Do you mean bludgers?" Jolie lifted an eyebrow at her friend as everyone's titters erupted into loud, hearty laughter.

"Oh, you all hush," Daphne laughed now too, shaking her head and her face flushing scarlet. "Forget I said anything."

Pansy leaned over Draco and patted Blaise's knee, trying to garner his attention. 

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