Chapter 31 - Stars & Lions

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A/N at this point, are you guys surprised that i'm late? (i really am sorry though) BUT-


this was all originally supposed to be one chapter but i just ended up writing way too much (about 14k words) to keep it just one. so i split it and now here we are. 

French translations will be in the comments this time. so let me know if you guys like it that way more, or in the final chapter notes instead.

***i will not be posting an update on the 22nd next week as i will be home for the holidays. but i promise i'll be right back here on the 29th! happy early christmas, everyone!!



After all agreeing on a short game of quidditch, Felix led them to the back of the estate to the broom closet, a wooden outbuilding at the corner of the house.

He swung open the door and handed his daughters their brooms before handing three more out to Ginny, Fred, and George.

Fred gawked at the broom in his hand.

"Nimbus 2000s," he muttered. "You have a closet full of Nimbus 2000s."

"No," Hestia told him. "We have a closet with five Nimbus 2000s. Jolie and Charlotte have 2001s."

"And if it were full," Flora added, "we wouldn't have room for the balls, gloves, and pads—"

"That's enough, girls," Jolie cut her sisters off, wrenching her padding from their hooks in the closet.

As she finished strapping on her shin guards and knee pads, starting to adjust the pads on her forearms, Felix tossed Fred and George two sets of beater's bats, gloves, and padding. The boys quickly set to strapping it all on.

Holding the cuffs of her leather gloves between her teeth, Jolie mounted her broom, hovering as she tied her hair up. She forced herself not to meet George's eye, feeling him watching her. She slid on her gloves instead.

Fred zoomed around the grounds for a moment, testing his broom, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oi! So you four are playing as chasers?" Lee asked, pointing to Jolie, Hestia, Flora, and Ginny as Fred finally landed next to him.

The girls nodded.

"Right. And you two," Lee poked a thumb toward Fred and George, "are obviously the beaters."

The boys grinned and nodded.

"Don't worry," Fred cooed to the girls. "We'll go easy on you."

"Don't," Hestia and Flora said in unison.

Jolie grinned. Both her sisters were on the team at Beauxbatons, having also been personally trained by France's captain.

Hestia's gloved hand suddenly shot into the air. "I'm captain of my team!" she screamed.

"I'm captain of mine!" Ginny shouted, raising a hand too.

Fred and George's eyebrows shot up.

Hestia turned, giving Ginny a high five. "Let's choose our teams, then. I'll go first."

Ginny flourished an arm, letting Hestia step forward.

"I choose Flora as my fellow chaser." She pointed at her.

Flora grinned, going to stand beside her twin.

Ginny stepped forward. "Jolie will be mine."

Jolie went to stand by her young captain, shooting the redhead a wink. Ginny grinned.

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