Chapter 11 - Proximity

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After an extremely close Slytherin quidditch victory against Ravenclaw and a comforting dinner of steak and kidney pie, Jolie, Daphne, and Pansy sat in the fourth year girls' dorms prepping themselves for the upcoming party in the common room.

Each of them sat on different four posters and in front of compact and full length mirrors, helping each other smoke out their eyeshadows, darken their lashes, and fluff their hair.

Jolie sat with her legs crossed on Daphne's bed, holding her friend's compact mirror inches away from her face while she perfected the little wing of eyeliner she'd applied.

Pansy sat in front of Daphne, swiping a deep red lipstick across Daphne's pouty lips.

As much as Daphne tried, makeup was just not her forte—she left most of it for Jolie and Pansy to do. She did well in doing her hair, though. Everyone had their strengths.

Jolie would often ask Daphne for help with her own hair.

Pansy, however, seemed to have mastered every skill that pertained to glamour. The witch's blunt dark bob, and deep, vampy makeup was always complete perfection, never a hair out of place.

When Jolie finished up her makeup, she clasped the compact closed and waited for Pansy to finish Daphne's. Once she was through, Jolie removed herself from the bed and moved to sit on the floor between Daphne's legs whilst her friend went to work on her hair.

Pansy stood from the bed and blew both girls a kiss, leaving the dorm to go get dressed on her own with the other third year girls.

Daphne began her hair charms on Jolie's locks, lifting different pieces and adding volume to her fine, blonde hair.

"What do you think the plan is for tonight?" Daphne asked, humming softly as she continued to blow out Jolie's hair.

Jolie thought for a moment, frowning. "I'm not exactly sure. Blaise said he's out of weed, and the Hufflepuff he buys from is out too..."

"Well, shit..." Daphne mumbled.

"Yeah," Jolie sighed. "But, on the bright side, Theo has plenty of firewhisky. And he loves to share."

"The hangovers though..." Daphne whinged. "And Draco said he doesn't have enough Hangover Elixir for all of us—I asked him at dinner."

"What?" Jolie perked up, surprised. "He said he had some brewing—it was supposed to be done after the match!"

Daphne shook her head. "He did have some brewing—it overbrewed. He got too caught up in the win."

Jolie groaned.

"I know," Daphne sighed. "But at least he's not going to be brooding and pouting tonight! He's in a great mood."

"I'd be in a good mood too if I knew I had a cure for my hangover while I get sloshed with my friends," Jolie grumbled.

Daphne giggled. "Oh, shut up and be happy for him. He needed a win."

"I am happy!" Jolie protested. "I nearly lost my voice in the front of the stands with the rest of the Spirit Squad! But, you have to admit, our options for tonight seem quite limited."

"Yes," Daphne sighed softly, "I can definitely admit that."

The girls sat in companionable silence while Daphne quickly finished up Jolie's hair and started on her own. Pansy reentered the room wearing a skintight, black cocktail dress and six-inch, heeled boots, accentuating her already slender frame.

"Hiya, sexy!" Daphne called to her.

Pansy smiled widely, a whole row of her perfect, pearly teeth showing.

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