Chapter 32 - The List

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Making her way back toward the West wing of the house, Jolie felt as though an enormous weight had been lifted from her shoulders after telling her parents about she and her sister's argument.

Despite the misfortune of the subject, she was glad to know that she wasn't the only one noticing the oddity of her sister's recent behaviour. And George had been right—it did feel good to know that her parents were on her side. 

Finally arriving, she pulled open the door to her bedroom, ready for a long, hot shower—

She gasped, letting out a strangled laugh at the sight beheld to her.

From left to right, a wet-haired Fred, Theo, Daphne, Lee, and George were each tucked into her bed, the comforter pulled right up to their chins as they all grinned maniacally at her.

"Did we surprise you?" Daphne giggled, wriggling her feet beneath the covers.

Jolie threw her head back and laughed some more. Because, yes. They really had.

Trying to rein in her laughter, Jolie made her way over to the vanity, pulling open the bottom drawer and fishing for her Polaroid camera.

"Just—" she snorted again. "Stay there. Hold on."

She held the camera up to her face, aiming the lens at her overly full bed. Each of their grins widened, making Jolie laugh once more as she pressed down on the shutter-release.

The old camera whirred with noise as a square photograph slowly drew out of the slot.

Jolie grabbed it by the white border before it could flutter to the floor.

"We earned a spot on the vanity!" Theo cheered as he stumbled out of the bed.

"You already have a million spots," Daphne laughed.

Jolie ignored them as she pulled a marker out of the top drawer, writing 8 April 1994 on the border before flipping the photograph facedown to let it develop.

"What's a spot on the vanity mean?" Lee asked, remaining tucked into the bed whilst everyone else had already risen.

"The collage," Daphne explained, pointing at the mirror littered with photos. "Only friends and family make the cut."

"Aw, Carrow!" Fred teased. "Finally your friends, are we?"

Jolie bit back another laugh. "Shut up."

Daphne wrapped her arms around Jolie's waist, squeezing hard.

"Everything okay?" she whispered.

"Yeah," Jolie wheezed beneath Daphne's hold. "Thanks for cheering me up."

Daphne let go, pulling back to grin up at her.

"That's what I'm here for. Now, go shower," she ordered. "You still stink."

Jolie rolled her eyes, heading for the bathroom as Daphne yanked Lee's ankle, pulling him halfway down the sheets.

"We'll be in the drawing room!" Theo called after her.

The last thing Jolie heard before shutting the door was Lee's dramatic yelp as Daphne hauled him off the bed, sending him tumbling onto the floor.

Jolie took her time in the shower, letting herself reflect on the day as the water beaded across her skin.

It had been a tremendously pleasant day; filled with laughter, introductions, deep conversations, and even some quidditch.

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