Chapter 37 - Risk

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Despite the usual level of volume in the Great Hall for a Saturday morning, today in particular, the air seemed as though it was charged with excited, anxious energy. And, rightfully so.

Today, Slytherin would finally be playing Gryffindor in the quidditch final.

Jolie's ears practically rang as she bit into a piece of her toast, listening to the Slytherin quidditch boys shout yet another taunt across the dining room toward the Gryffindor table. Daphne let out a long sigh from next to her.

"You'd think our team would have at least some sense of decorum," she grumbled, spreading a thick layer of apricot jam on her toast. "We're all trying to eat!"

Pansy nodded in agreement and Jolie laughed, watching Draco stand and puff his chest out.

They were being ridiculous.

"I trust we don't have to remind you who to root for?" Theo teased from across the table, waving his fork in Jolie's direction.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course not."

Theo grinned through his mouthful of fried tomato. Daphne jutted her elbow lightly into Jolie's side, giving her a conspirative smile.

Jolie narrowed her eyes at her friend and simultaneously pulled the left sleeve of her cardigan further down.

Unfortunately, after Jolie's morning shower, Daphne had caught sight of the number 5 George had drawn on her wrist. She had taken careful consideration and casted the Impervius Charm over the ink to keep it from washing away in the water. She just hadn't been as considerate to keep it hidden. Therefore, Daphne was having a ball.

Draining the dregs of her tea, Jolie watched as Gryffindor's team stood, all of them being ushered away from their table by a manic-looking Oliver Wood. The other Gryffindor students and a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws gave an applause to see them out.

As they neared the doors to exit the Great Hall, Jolie couldn't stop her eyes from skating across the crimson and marigold jumpers.

Her eyes quit searching when they landed on George's.

He was already watching her with a prideful little smirk. Before she could look away, he winked.

She almost laughed just as Daphne pulled her up from her seat so that they could finish getting ready.

They wished Draco and Blaise luck, then headed back down to the dungeons to really dress up for the match. It was the final one, after all.

In the dorms, the girls threw on every single green or silver item that they owned, looking a bit silly.

After Jolie knotted her uniform tie loosely into her hair as a hairband, Daphne stepped out of the bathroom. Jolie groaned, pulling her tie out of her hair.

"Can you do mine?" she begged. "Please?"

Daphne laughed.

She'd put her hair in a wispy, low ponytail and tied it daintily with a satin green ribbon with silver trim. It looked loads better than what Jolie had been trying to do.

Daphne waltzed over to her bed and plopped down, patting the space in front of her for Jolie to sit. Jolie quickly did.

They didn't have much time before they needed to be at the pitch. Gemma, Ruth, and Florence had already gone, making the rush feel more urgent.

As soon as Daphne finished tying Jolie's hair up, the girls didn't even take time to check their reflections once more, grabbing their handheld green banners and rosettes before slipping out of the door.

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