''Yess'', I said happily as I close the door hurriedly and locked the door.

''What are you doing?'', he raised his brow.

''I don't want any disturbance'', I winked as I walked to the couch. ''Come here'', I invited him.

''I have work to do'', he shakes his head but still walked to the couch and sat at the single couch in front of me.

''Are you still angry with me?'', I asked him. Jonas didn't say anything. ''You have all the rights to be angry with me. I hurt you badly. I'm really sorry Jonas'', I said sincerely.

He was looking at me with his green eyes.

''You were right. I was crazy that time. I don't know what I was thinking'', I sighed. ''But when you are not around, I missed you so much'', I say looking at him. ''I thought I'm going to die by missing you'', I tease and he chuckles.

I want to see his smile... always...

''What?'', he asked me, maybe because I keep staring at him.

''No I just realized that you are indeed a very handsome guy'', I chuckle.

''What are you talking about?'', he blushes a little.

I smile. ''I know you need time to forget me...'', I slipped my words. ''Sorry, I mean you need time to forgive me... but I have a favor to ask you''

''Will you come for a date with me?'', I asked. ''Today evening''

Jonas looked surprised. He thinks for a while before answering. ''Okay''

''Oh my God, thank you, thank you, Jonas... I will be waiting for you'', I said happily.

''I will wait for you at the Blue park today at 6 p.m'', I informed him.

I left early from my office. After taking a bath. I put on a blue solid fit and flare dress.

''I look beautiful'', I smile seeing myself. When I was putting on the mascara, my nose started bleeding.

No, No... not now....

I grabbed my head feeling the pain. Everything turned blurry and I walked slowly to my bed.

Jonas is waiting for me... I need to go now... please...

Lying on the bed, I close my eyes.

Suddenly I jolted awake.

Shit, what's the time now?

My phone assistant told me it's 8 p.m. Shit, Shit, Shit...

I ran to the park where I asked Jonas to wait for me. Searching around, I didn't find him.

He's gone...

Jonas is staying at his parents' house. So I went to meet him at his house. His parents welcomed me warmly. They told me Jonas hasn't come back home yet.

I searched for Jonas around since I forgot my phone at my house when I was rushing out. Finally, I saw him walking with Riley in the street.

''Jonas'', I ran to him. He turned back to see me. ''Jonas, I'm sorry. I...''

''Don't worry, this is just another prank?'', he asked me sarcastically.

''N...No...'', I said anxiously.

''Then tell me the reason why the hell you didn't come to that park?'', Jonas asked me.

''Jonas, calm down, let's hear her explanation'', Riley stated.

''Ok tell me, why didn't you come to our so-called date?'', Jonas asked me.

''I'm s...sorry... I missed the time'', I told him sadly.

''Missed the time? Seriously Jazelle?'', he scoffed. ''I didn't ask you to invite me for a date. What's your problem anyway. Why do you keep annoying me?'', tears flow from my eyes with his words.

''I'm sorry'', my voice croaked.

''What's happening here?'', I heard Dylan's voice behind me. ''Why the hell she's crying?'', he looked serious.

''Ask your sister! Not me'', Jonas replied.

''You are doing too much Jonas'', Dylan sounded angry. ''You don't know what she...''

''Dylan'', I stopped my brother before he slipped any more words. ''Maybe he's right. I'm just annoying him so much'', I sighed. ''I'm sorry, Jonas... I won't bother you anymore'', saying that, I walk out from him.

''Jaze, tell him the truth'', Dylan persuaded me.

''What will happen if I tell him?'', I asked Dylan. ''He will feel pity for me. He will always look at me with his sympathetic eyes. I don't want that, Dylan. I don't want him to see that way. I want him to see the way he saw me...'', I cried.

Dylan hugs me in his arms. ''I'm sorry, Dylan...I troubled you too'', I sobbed.

''Shut you, Jazelle... you never troubled me. You can annoy me as much as you can'', he said in a trembling voice but I know he's just holding his tears.

I wasted a day. But I cannot give up now. I need to work hard to get his attention. 


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Jonas's anger is reasonable but he didn't know the truth....

Pity Jazelle... she's handling her pain alone.... 

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