Sara and Jonas

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''Dylan is working with your father now, along with Sara'', Olivia informed me.

''What happened between Sara and Dylan? They were married but doesn't seem so'', I asked her curiously.

''Hmmm...'', she seems like thinking whether should tell me or not.

''Leave it, I don't care about them anyway'', I shrug.

When I was walking in the street, I saw Dylan who is talking with Sara at the side of the building.

''You don't know this simple thing?'', he asked her seriously. Sara didn't say anything but looked down.

Whoa, this is surprising. He fell head over heels for Sara once. He treated her well every time. What happened now?

Sara left Dylan after he asks her to get lost. At that moment, I saw Dylan's expression soften looking at her. He smiles genuinely for her.

Is he faking his feelings right now?

When I was cooking for dinner, I saw Jonas enter the house; looking frustrated.

''What happened?'', I asked him.

''Dylan is doing too much, Jazelle. I'm going to kill him one day'', he said angrily.

''What he did now?'', I sighed.

Jonas told me how Dylan picked a fight with him for a project. He complaints about almost one hour to me.

''Feel better?'', I asked Jonas who is lying on the couch.

''Much better'', he scoffed.

I chuckle. ''Here, drink this'', I give him a glass of lemon juice.

''So refreshing'', he looked calm after drinking the juice.

Jonas and Dylan used to be best friends but now, it's gone. They become enemies. I wished they can be like how they used to be.

''What happened?'', Jonas's voice made me out of my trance.

''Nothing. Take a bath. Let's have our dinner'', I winked.


Thanks to Jonas, we were able to collect four hundred thousand. Not only him, A, B, Q and T work overtime to settle many projects successfully.

Recently he was busy with his project with my father's company.

''Jonas, let's go out this evening'', I asked him when he was having his breakfast while looking at his phone.

''Today?'', he turns his sight to me. ''Why? You need to go somewhere?'', he asked me.

''No, just wanted to go around this place... maybe for a ride?'', I shrug.

''I have work, you know that'', he raised his brow.

''Take some break today Jon. I will be waiting for you'', I told him. ''And if you don't come, I will be upset'', I warned.

He sighed.

I know he won't come but deep in my heart, I want him to come early today. It's past 8 p.m but he hasn't come back home. I feel envious of Sara who was able to be with him.

As time passes by, I feel worried. Usually, Jonas will inform me if he comes back home late but this time he didn't do it. It's 11 pm.

I tried to call him but couldn't reach him. So I called Olivia and she told me Jonas and Sara went to meet a client at the client's place. She told me that Jonas probably came back home late. Since I feel uneasy, I went to Jonas's company but it seems like he was not around.

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