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After the hectic works at the office, I sauntered into the house.

''Jazelle'', someone called me. I was surprised to see my father at the stairway like he was waiting for me.

''Y....Yes'', I stammered.

Wait, Is he talking to me?

''There will be the company's anniversary in six months. I need you to handle the advertisement. Can you do it?'', he asked me.

''S...Sure... I can do it'', I say happily.

''Good... You can ask for the details from Sara'', he said.

''I...'', I said when he was about to leave. He turns his sight to me. ''I will do my best.''

He nodded. I happily walk to the upstairs and stop when I see Sara on top of the stairs.

''What?'', I snapped at her.

''Nothing'', she smiles.

I told my employees proudly about my father, who gave me the task at my office. It was indeed a huge responsibility.

''We are going to do the best among the best'', I said confidently.

''You already told us thousand times'', B rolled her eyes.

''Don't worry, Boss... we will do our best'', A encouraged.

''I'm going out for a while'', T stood up.

''Where are you going?'', I asked.

''I need to meet Miss Vinson regarding our proposal'', he answered, taking his things.

''Good luck. Let me know if she's giving you trouble, and I will give her piece of mind so that she knows her place'', I smirked.

''Whatever'', he muttered.

Dad invited my employees and me to his company to discuss the advertisement.

Whoa... it's really huge... This is the first time I'm entering his company.

''Whoa, boss.... Your company is huge'', A looked amazed.

''I know, right. One day I'm going to be the CEO'', I said proudly. ''Maybe that time I will give higher positions to you all'', I assured.

''Boss is so generous'', A said with his puppy eyes.

I was shocked to see Jonas's family with Dad and Sara in the room.

''Jazelle, what a surprise to meet you... Your dad says you are coming over. So we are waiting for you'', Mrs. Vinson greeted me warmly. She's a good woman, but I have poor communication with elders.

I fake a smile.

''Seems like you are going to handle a huge responsibility. But we trust you. Olivia also compliments your work... she's happy with the outcome'', Mrs. Vinson patted Olivia's back. Olivia was giving are-you-serious look.

''Don't worry, Mrs. Vinson. We provide the best quality and best work to satisfy our clients'', I said proudly. Olivia scoffed.

"Let's start our discussion'', Dad started. He gives simple and clear instructions. My employees are the ones who jotted down everything.

''Here, this is the cheque payment for the budget .'' Dad shows Sara as she gives us a cheque.

I tried to read the sentence but couldn't read it. Quickly I pushed the cheque to B.

''Keep it'', I instructed.

''Whoa boss.... It's a huge amount'', she looked amazed.

I wonder how much it is....

''Let's have lunch together'', Mrs. Vinson invited.

''We take leave then, boss'', A mentioned.

''Wait'', I stopped them. ''Sorry, I came with them... so...'', I was trying to reject politely.

''Of course, they all are invited for lunch. It's my treat'', Mr. Vinson smiles.

While walking out, I remembered that I had missed my phone in my seat. I walked back to the office room. Dad and Sara are still inside the room.

''Are you sure she can handle this?'', Dad asked.

''I trust Jazelle, dad... she's doing her best in that department'', Sara smiles.

''I gave her the contract because you persuaded me. I hope you won't be disappointed if things go wrong'', he said blankly.

My expression changed hearing his words. He didn't trust me. He gave the contract because of Sara.

Should I go inside and burst out? No, I need to prove to him that I can handle this. I will make him proud.

You can do it, Jazelle....


Things with Olivia are going well. We are almost going to finish the marketing. Thanks to T and others who worked hard on this project.

‘’What happened?’’, I ask Pedro, who looked down since morning. He was not himself.

He went back to his hometown last week, and since then, he looked down.

Currently, we are having our lunch in a

‘’Nothing’’, he smiles.

‘’Don’t lie to me… Tell me’’, I insisted.

‘’My mom…. She’s hospitalized’’, his words shocked me.

‘’What happened?’’, I asked.

‘’Heart failure…. The doctor said that she needs a heart transplant’’, he looked down.

‘’But I need to pay five hundred thousand for the surgery. I’m asking my relatives, but they are not responding to me’’, he was holding his tears.

‘’I will try to ask them again’’, he stated.

At the office, I couldn’t stop thinking about Pedro.

‘’T, can you withdraw all the money from this account?’’, I gave him my account book. He’s been in charge of my account book since he joined the company. He has the authorization on the account book.

‘’Why?’’, surprisingly, T asked me. He always minds his business.

‘’Hurmm… just do what I say’’, I turned my sight away from him.

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