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Jonas doesn't talk all the way back home. There was this 'don't disturb' aura around him. He entered his room as soon as we reached home.

After taking a bath, I lay down on my bed while thinking about Jonas. 

Is he upset because his enemy called him a loser?

Someone rings the bell. When I opened the door, two policemen were in front of me.

''We came to arrest Mr. Jonas Vinson for assaulting Mr. Ollie Hughes'', they informed me.

''Oh my god'', I jolted awake. Seeing around, I realized that I was in my room. ''It's just a dream'', I let out a relieved sigh.

Walking out of my room, I walked to the kitchen and noticed that Jonas was drinking alone at the kitchen counter. He seems deep in his thoughts.

Should I disturb him? What if he throws me out of his house?

He shifted his gaze to me, and I jumped little, seeing his dark eyes. He looked dangerous.

''I.... I didn't mean to disturb you. I came to drink'', I said anxiously. He turns his sight back to his glass. I take my seat next to him.

''Doesn't it taste bitter?'', seeing the big bottle in front of me. ''What is this?'', I tried to read the label but it started to dance. I chuckle. ''These letters are moving around and I feel like I'm drunk without drinking the alcohol'', I joked. Jonas grabs the bottle and puts it away from me.

''Don't get drunk. Then you will become like me, having reading disorder'', I smile. He diverted his sight towards me again. ''Hey, I'm just joking'', I raised my hands in defeat.

''Why you helped me?'', his expression looked sour. ''If you didn't help me, you wouldn't get hurt this much'', he added, looking at my wrist. His expression changed.

His words irritated me. Without waiting, I knocked on his head.

''It hurts, woman'', he groaned.

''Serve you right'', I smile evilly. ''What do you think about me, Jonas? Do you think I'm a person who can't differentiate between good and bad? Or do you think I'm crazy about money? Yes, I am crazy about money, but I want that money with my own hard work, not by putting down people or destroying other's hard work'', I confronted him.

''I don't have any confidence in doing anything. Trust me. When I started doing your housing plan, I didn't think I could be able to do it, but... I want to do it...For you. I don't want you to lose with that bastard who thinks highly of himself. At least this is what I can do for you after you defended me from my father'', I crease my brow together, thinking about the incident.

''Do you think I get hurt?'', shaking my head, I turned my sight to him. ''It made me happy that I was at least useful for someone'', I smile.

''Anyway, if you are upset because O called you a loser, don't worry about him. He was the one who lost that contract. So O was considered loser'', I patted his shoulder.

Jonas chuckles. I'm happy to see him smiling again. His smile makes me have butterflies in my stomach.

''O?'', he laughs softly.

''Well, his name is pretty long, so I made it short'', I give an awkward smile. It has been my habit to call people alphabetically.

''Anyway, O made my day'', he smiles again.

''Whatever'', I rolled my eyes as I stood up to walk. ''I'm leaving'', suddenly Jonas grabs my hand. His touch makes me feel a slight electric shock.

''Stay'', he says softly.

''W...what?'', my heart is pounding faster with the way he gazes at me with his eyes.

''Stay here... with me'', it takes a moment to process his words.

''Oh My God, you ask me to live together with you'', I almost shouted. ''I....In s...same room?''

''Damn Jazelle, not that'', he lets out a frustrated sigh. ''I mean, you can stay here. In exchange, you cook me meals every day. I'm tired of eating outside food. You cook well anyway, surprisingly'', he shrugs.

''What's with that reaction? Surprisingly?'', I raised my brow. ''Now you know my value??'', I giggle proudly.

''Yeah Yeah... right'', he said in a mocking tone as he stood up from his seat. ''Sleep early... you need to make breakfast tomorrow. We have so many projects on hold. Let's go to the office early'', he stated as he stepped forward. ''

''Wait'', I stopped him. He turned back to see me. ''W...what did you just say?'', I asked him for confirmation. '' will come to the office? My office?'', I asked him emotionally. He nodded. ''T..that means you didn't resign?''

''What are you talking about? Since when I said, I resigned?'', soon after he said it, I stormed towards him and hugged him happily.

''Oh My God, you didn't resign! I thought you wouldn't come back to our division anymore. I'm so happy... A, Q, B, and T are going to be happy...'', I jumped happily.

''If I know you would look this happier, I would have joined earlier'', he teases.

Quickly I pulled away from him. ''Don't get me wrong. You just give us so many good ideas and attract the clients... so yeah'', I said with blushing cheeks.

Jonas smiles as he palms my head. ''Aye Aye, captain.''

''You should respect your boss...'', I pouted but inside, I jumped in joy seeing his smile. 

As expected, Jonas's arrival makes everyone happy. They welcomed him warmly. We proceed with our current projects, and thanks to Jonas, we can sort out a few complicated projects.

''I'm so tired'', I said as soon as I reached our penthouse

''You didn't do many things anyway'', Jonas gives me an are-you-serious look.

''Don't underestimate me! Hearing audios are tiring'', I pointed out.

The elevator dinged open, and we both walked to our house.

''So, you can learn by watching videos and hearing audios, is it?'', he asked me.

''Yes... I can visualize things'', I replied. ''That's how I was able to re-create the housing design. I can remember things I see or watch. For example, cooking. I watched videos and was able to cook'', I explained.

''But you were tasting and also recognizing it, correct?''

''Well, that's something my mom taught me last time. She likes to cook. But since I can't read each ingredient's label, she suggested I taste them'', I answered.

We reached his house.

''Then today, you unlock the door'', he stated.

''Huh? Me?'', I was puzzled.

''Yes, I will show you how to do it'', he came behind me. ''You can see the horizontal and vertical lines, right?'', he asked me.

''Yes'', I nodded. He grabbed my hand and raised it to the number lock. Damn, he's so close to me. 

''So the first horizontal line here, you tap the second table, the second horizontal line, you tap the third table and the last line, you click the third table as well'', he said as he used my finger to tap each table.

The door opened.

''Wow... OK, again'', I said as I tried to unlock the door several times. It's fun clicking the number lock.

''OK enough, don't break my lock'', Jonas grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the house. 

''Hey wait...'', I chuckle seeing him. 


Never Been too Late to Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें