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social media was loving the song, my family loved the song, joe's family loved the song, i loved the song.

joe didn't say much. he was either in a bad mood because of how i felt after he broke up with me and was angry at himself or he was too proud of me to even speak. either way i was proud of myself.

"so i have an announcement to make to you 5" i said and they all turned to me.

"tell us" my mom said making us all, besides joe, laugh.

"this is 1 out of 7 songs on my upcoming album called minor. the album should be done in the next couple of months." i said and robin started cheering.

"i'm so proud of you honey" my dad said and jim agreed. my mom just looked like she was about to cry. i looked up at joe who was smiling whole heartedly.

"no one knows besides you guys, mike, and katie" i told them and they nodded knowing not to tell anyone this information.

i nodded as well before getting up and going to the kitchen to get a glass of water. i felt a presence behind him a turned around to find joe leaning against the door frame to the kitchen.

"well hey mr. joey b" i said before taking a drink of my water

"hello darling" he said watching me as i put my cup in the dish washer.

"what do i own you the pleasure of being in my kitchen?" i said making him smiled and walk up to me.

"just wanted to tell you i was proud of you" he said picking me up and setting me on the kitchen island. i smiled in response to his actions.

"thank you joe. i'm pretty proud of myself too" i commented

he smiled at me while staring into my eyes. i stared back into his smiling. he laid his hand on the side of my face and rubbed his thumb on my cheek.

"can i kiss you?" he asked making me laugh a little.

"yes joe, you can kiss me" i assured him before he leaned in and connected our lips.

our kiss didn't last long. being cut short by the sound of footsteps coming towards the kitchen. he made me feel like a teenager in love all over again, to afraid to be caught by her parents.

he let go of my face and pulled away but stayed smiling at me as i blushed heavily. my mom walked in shortly after and laughed a little.

"you know you guys could have kept kissing. i'm not going to tell anyone" she said and i looked at her in shock

"we were not kissing momma" i said and joe just laughed a little making me slap his shoulder

"yes you were. i can see your lipgloss on his lips" she said before leaving the room

i looked at joe and sure enough my lip gloss was on his lips. i smiled before wiping it off making him laugh. he put his hands on the sides on my hips as i wiped the lipgloss off of him.

"i hate you so much joe burrow" i said

"no you don't baby"

music to my heart ; joe burrowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz