''Huh... wait?'', I almost shouted. ''I....Is that mean I still have the chance?'', my eyes widened.

''This is your second chance. Better you use it well'', she crosses her arms; showing me her serious look.

I smile. ''Yes, my lord''

Sara will always be a kind-hearted woman among everyone. She never complained once and she always gives the sweetest smile even though she's suffering inside. All I want is to make her happy.

''I want to meet Jonas, right now'', I told her. ''I need to do it now''

''But...'', Sara looked concerned since I'm not allowed to be discharged yet.

''It's ok Sara. I will come back once I talked with him'', I assured her.

''Then, I will come with you'', she stated.

Although I didn't want to trouble her she insisted to come with me. So I brought her with me. Dad appointed bodyguards around us since the attack.

Sara was waiting outside. I entered Jonas's room without knocking but he seems like smiling at himself. He didn't realize my presence yet. He will usually give this reaction if something good happened to him. Something that makes him happy.

''Someone is in good mood I guess'', I talked. He diverted his attention to me and as expected, his expression changed seeing me.

''Let me talk and you can say anything after that'', I walked towards his office desk and stand opposite him.

''I like Sara'', I said firmly. ''I love her so much and I won't give up now. Especially to you'', I stated. 

He raised his brow with my words. ''I've been really selfish in the past and trust me, I really wanted to go back there and correct everything. When you were trying to pursue her even after she rejected you, I felt insecure. Without thinking about anyone's feelings, I betrayed you, Jazelle, and Sara. I thought if you married my sister, you would forget Sara and that it's easier for me to be with Sara'', I told him the truth.

''My sister didn't know anything about my plan. It was all because of me. So please, don't seek revenge on her because of me. Let her go. This time I won't stop you if you try to impress Sara but I will make sure this time I take the effort to court Sara in my own way'', I stated firmly.

''I'm sorry for everything. I know saying sorry won't solve anything compared to what you went through. It won't change the fact that I betrayed you. Trust me, I feel dying each second since it happened'', my balled my hands.

''But'', I knelt down and I saw him standing up. ''I'm really sorry for everything Jonas''

''What the hell are you doing Dylan?'', he grabbed my arm. ''Stand up, damn it''

''Not until you forgive me. Kill me, Jonas, It's my fault that I lost my handsome best friend'', soon after I said it, he pushed me with the shoe he was wearing.

''Die, you bastard'', he gives a dead glare.

I chuckle. ''You found out? Jeez... this is what happens if you are born smart'', I tsked.

''Get lost'', he raised his brow.

I smile. He always gives this annoying expression whenever I try to give a cute expression.

''I miss you, Jonas'', I stated sincerely. ''I wished I had come to you earlier and told me how I felt about Sara at that time'', I sighed. ''It's too late now''

I see a hand in front of me. Looking up, I saw Jonas showing his hand to me. ''Stand up'', he instructed. Smiling, I grabbed his hand and stood up.

After all, he's still my best friend...

''But I won't give up Sara'', I told him firmly.

''Whatever'', he rolled his eyes which surprised me.

He seems not interested in Sara's topic.

''Wait a minute... you are going to sacrifice your love for me?'', I cover my mouth shockingly. ''For this best friend?'', I fake an emotional expression. ''I love you Jonas'', I jumped on him but he stepped aside and made me fall on his desk.

''Ouch'', I groaned.

''Shut up and go back to the hospital'', he ordered. ''Before I call your father and inform him that his son is here'', he threatened.

''I'M LEAVING RIGHT AWAY'', saying that I walk towards the door. I glanced at him before leaving and saw him smiling.

Thanks, Jonas....


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How's Dylan's POV?

Finally, he apologized to his best friend and cleared his feelings for Sara....

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