Walking in the street, there weren't many people around. Some loafers were at the sides of the building, whispering among themselves seeing me. They were stepping towards me and I started to get anxious.

I bumped into someone when I was walking speedily.

''What are you doing here tonight?'', Dylan asked me.

''Dylan'', I feel relieved seeing him. ''Jonas hasn't come back home yet...'', I told him. ''I tried to call him but it's unreachable'', I said worriedly.

''He's not a kid anymore. He can take care of himself'', Dylan replied.


''Go back home'', he cuts me off.

''NO'', I shake my head. ''Something happened to him and you are going to help me look for him'', I said firmly.

Dylan sighed. At last, I followed Dylan in his car.

''Where are we going?'', I asked.

''Sara is missing too'', his words shocked me. ''I found out that they went to the client's place. I'm going there'', he added.

''Jeez... then why you ask me to go back home?'', I scoffed.

''I can search for them myself'', he mumbled.

We reached the client's place. Riley and Olivia are already there.

''We heard the news'', Riley stated.

''I'm sorry Jazelle... I should have listened to you'', Olivia told me.

''It's ok... let's look for them'', I told her.

The guard told us that there was no one inside the place but we insisted on looking for them inside. We searched around the building but there wasn't anyone.

''See, I told you there's no one here'', the guard told us.

When we were about to leave, I stepped onto a few papers. Grabbing it, I noticed that these were my division's advertisement papers.

''They are here'', I told them. ''These papers belong to my office'', I told Dylan.

Dylan thinks for a moment. ''That is cold store correct?'', he asks the guard.

''Yes'', he nodded.

''Open it'', Dylan instructed.

The guard opened the room and I was shocked to see Sara in Jonas's arms.

''Oh God'', Olivia entered the room.

Sara fainted due to the coldness whereas Jonas was dehydrated. We brought them to the hospital. It seems like someone locked them without realizing that they are inside the cold store to check the materials.

''How's Sara?'', Jonas looked worried.

Since I saw Sara in Jonas's arms, something bothered me. I feel upset. I saw Jonas inside Sara's room whereas Dylan is outside the room.

Dad arrived at the hospital as soon as he heard the news. I saw him talking with Sara and Jonas. I wonder if dad will do the same thing if I'm admitted to the hospital.

Sara was discharged and dad brought her back home. Jonas doesn't talk about the incident to me and I didn't ask about it.

When I was working, I received a call from Olivia who told me that Dylan made Sara cry and Jonas was going to confront Dylan. Quickly I rushed to their place.

''This is all your fault! Now you put blame on others? You tricked us into marriage. You ruined my life, Sara's life... If not because of you, I would have lived happily with Sara instead of stuck with your sister!'', I froze hearing Jonas's words.

Dylan smirked. ''Huh-uh? Yeah, it's my fault. It's ok. I will divorce her now. Why not you marry her and live happily as you mentioned just now'', he challenged.

''Stop it guys'', Sara looked disappointed with both of them.

''Stop being too kind, Sara. I know you want this too'', Dylan said sarcastically.

''You son of a bitch!'', Jonas suddenly throws a punch at Dylan. Dylan didn't fight back. Jonas was hitting on Dylan and I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.

''Jonas, stop'', I tried to stop him but he pushed me away.

''This is your damn fault!'', Jonas punched Dylan's face again.

Dylan spat blood. ''That's all you got?'', Dylan provoked Jonas.

When Jonas storms towards Dylan again, I stand in between them. Jonas halted his movement.

''This is my fault. I'm the one who ruined everyone's life. I forced Dylan to trick you'', I raised my voice while dropping my tears. ''D....Don't hit my brother.. He's innocent. He... He's my brother'', I cried. ''Please, it's my fault''

''What the hell you guys are doing?'', Riley who arrived there, looked angry. ''You guys want to kill each other??'', he shakes his head disappointedly.

Riley walks to Jonas's side. I turned back to see Dylan who didn't say anything.

''Why? Why are you doing this? To get killed?'', I asked him angrily; still dropping my tears.

Dylan looked up at me with his painful look. ''Yes'', he smiles and I give him a tight slap.

''Maybe you just didn't consider me as your sister, Dylan... Maybe I'm the only idiot who thinks of you as my brother'', my voice croaked.

When I turned back to walk, I saw a man with a gun from the opposite road. He was pointing his gun at Sara.

''Watch out'', I warned but the man released his trigger. 


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Hi Guys, I'm trying to complete this story since I didn't like to make my readers wait. 

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